Peter Badmaev. Before the 1917 revolution, this name rattled by throughout Russia. He was known both in the palaces of the Petersburg nobility and in yurts nomads in distant Buryatia. He was entering the royal chambers, to his ministers listened to the opinion, Grigory Rasputin himself listened to him, He held important government posts. But the main thing of the whole his life was Tibetan medicine. A photo from open sources TRUTH OR FABRICATION? Peter Badmaev was a well-known person, and the lot of such – speculation, gossip. One of the most widespread rumors about Badmaev said that he allegedly lived to see 109 years old, and at the age of 100 he had a daughter. Such fortress and masculine strength explained his passion for oriental herbs. Like, every day the old man takes the necessary decoctions, and therefore in 100 years still hoo – cucumber! Where did this flattering for Peter come from Alexandrovich myth is hard to say. Perhaps it was composed grateful patients, or maybe the enterprising Buryat invented it itself to enhance the effect. Badmaev’s biographers also like to start a story about him precisely from this “fact”. And as evidence usually give a certificate from the Cheka’s investigation, in which Badmaev wrote with his own hand the following: “I, 109 years old man, because just that I have a big name, popular among the people, I’m sitting in imprisoned for no fault and reason for two months. “And his own daughter confirmed: “When I was born (this is 1907), my father was one hundred years. “Surely Peter Alexandrovich had his own reasons for in order to add years of age. Who knows, maybe he wanted to soften the Soviet regime when he was thrown into jail. In fact In fact, stubborn facts speak differently. FROM DIRT TO PRINCE IN grandfather’s biography, his grandson told in detail about how Peter Badmaev ended up in St. Petersburg. The story was wonderful. IN in the mid-19th century, an epidemic of typhus broke out in Transbaikalia. Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Count Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky ordered to find the most competent in medical science of a local doctor. Buryat Council of Elders chose Sultim Badmaev. Family tradition says that he demanded a company of soldiers with the words: “My medicine, your soldier. Keep the cordon.”
Photos from open sources How did they manage to drill with epidemic, history is silent, but the disease stopped. When Muravyov-Amursky asked Sultim what he wanted a reward for works, he crossed his arms over his chest and touched his fingers to his shoulders, hinting at officer epaulets. The governor wrote a petition to the capital about rewarding a healer. St. Petersburg decided that such a wonderful doctor should be in the capital, not on the outskirts Russian empire. So Sultim Badmaev was in the city on the Neva. There he was given a test: in the Nikolaev military hospital instructed to cure hopeless patients. Result surpassed everything expectations, patients recovered, and Badmaev was allowed to wear a military uniform and enjoy the rights of military doctors. In 1860, Sultim opened in St. Petersburg a pharmacy of Tibetan medicinal herbs and to help summoned his younger brother from Buryatia – Jamsaran. He recently graduated gymnasium in Irkutsk. Jamsaran – the most intelligent of the Badmaev brothers – he managed everything: he helped his older brother, prepared for the opening exams at the Oriental Department of St. Petersburg University, attended lectures at the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy in as a listener with the right to take exams. In the Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Efron named the year of birth of Jamsaran in 1849, in other sources – the 1851st. There is no exact date of birth anywhere, but it’s obvious that by the time he appeared in the Northern capital, this there was still a completely young man. Hard work of Jamsaran did not know borders – he worked 16 hours a day! As a result, successfully withstood all exams and got the right to heal. However european the medical tradition attracted him little, and he decided to devote himself Tibetan medicine. SHarp TURN In Badmaev’s life was a lot of zigzags and unexpected turns. One of them is baptism in Orthodoxy. It was a difficult step for the Buryats. Moreover, for Buryats with an unusual pedigree. Another family legend says that the Badmaev brothers are the descendants of the great Genghis Khan. “I was Buddhist Lamaite, deeply religious and convinced, knew shamanism and shamans, the faith of my ancestors, ”he wrote. – I left Buddhism, not despising and not humiliating their views, but only because in my mind, the teachings of Christ the Savior penetrated my senses with such clarity что озарило все мое существо”.
Фотоfrom open sources The turning point in the fate of Badmaev was meeting with the famous priest and preacher John Kronstadt, whom Jamsaran treated with Tibetan herbs. Conversations with The Buryats turned over the soul and consciousness of John and led to Orthodoxy. Rector of the Church of St. Panteleimon brought Badmaev to Anichkov the palace where he introduced the Tsarevich, the future Tsar Alexander III. The heir became Badmaev’s godfather, and the name is a convert chose in honor of his idol – Peter the Great. But with Buddhism, Peter Alexandrovich did not break. When construction began in St. Petersburg datsan, he was the first to allocate funds. FOR ALL HANDS A MASTER IN 1881 Peter Alexandrovich gathered in his first two-year trip to the East – to Mongolia, China and Tibet. Blessed him in the road John of Kronstadt. Peter by all means wanted to get the original manuscripts of the book “Jude Shi” – the main guide for the study of medical science of Tibet. The ancient name of Batma and belonging to one of the branches of the Genghis Khan clan opened before Badmaev all the doors. But Peter Alexandrovich was looking not only for grass and ancient manuscripts – politics also fell within the scope of his interests. The quick-witted Buryats quickly realized that the ruling Manchu the dynasty is living its last days. Upon returning home in 1893 he provided the king with a note in which he proposed joining Amur region Mongolia and Tibet. Otherwise, he predicted, there the British will invade. Alexander III put on his note resolution: “All this is so new, original, that it is hard to believe in the possibility of existence. “Badmaev received General rank – a real state adviser. But further business did not go. When Nicholas II ascended the throne, Badmaev tried to influence him through Grigory Rasputin. The emperor became interested in his proposals, but the warrior that began with the Japanese put an end to Badmaev’s attempts to establish control over Tibetan gorges. Badmaev did not let up: he was the first to speak with the project of the Siberian Railway, later known as BAM. For state affairs, Peter Alexandrovich did not forget to heal. His practice was extensive. In terms of diagnosis, he does not knew his peers. Could indicate a patient’s illness only by his eyes, hair color, skin, pulse, taste preferences, inclinations and mood. He could even predict the appearance of that or another disease in a year, or even in two, and thus prevent her. MONARCHIST When October struck revolution, Peter Alexandrovich openly declared his monarchist views. He was arrested several times and thrown into prison. Patients rescued: there must have been someone who used to used his services. A case is known when from prison the sailors, whom Badmaev had previously treated for syphilis, were released. IN 1919, while in custody in the Chesme camp, Badmaev slapped the commandant in the face for daring to turn to him rudely and on you. The commandant sent the prisoner to the punishment cell – the stone a bag where you could only stand ankle-deep in ice-cold water. IN In the camp, the doctor contracted typhoid, which undermined his health. By returning from the camp, the doctor could no longer walk. Japanese ambassador offered Badmaev and his family Japanese citizenship and promised unimpeded transfer to Tokyo. Peter Alexandrovich remained faithful homeland and drank to the end of his cup of suffering. He died in 1920 in surrounded by family, in a small house that was left to him the Bolsheviks. Dying, he took the word from his wife that on the day of his funeral she Do not quit the waiting room and the sick. Elizaveta Fedorovna Badmaeva too got a hard share. In 1937 she was arrested. She was 68 years old. She spent two and a half years in the Gulag, then she was allowed to live in any provincial city. She chose the High Pole. Only in 1946 she was allowed to return to Leningrad. Badmaev’s name is long years was banned. However, they remembered him: each Sunday, Elizaveta Fedorovna visited her husband’s grave, where she always found fresh flowers from grateful patients. Kseniya VOLKOVA
Grigory Rasputin Life Russia Tibet Epidemics