The growth of the wolf population in Germany became possible thanks to military bases

The growth of the wolf population in Germany was made possible thanks to military basesA photo from open sources

In this world, everything is interconnected, but because mass destruction in its time, “harmful and dangerous” predators – wolves immediately led to imbalance in the animal kingdom of the forest, and ultimately to environmental disaster. It was after this that the wolves began to be protected in order to resume their population.

For example, in the sixties of the last century in Germany the population of gray predators reached a catastrophic minimum, and because the authorities of Germany began to put a lot of effort and invest huge funds to solve this problem. However, reports ScienceAler, as always, is easier to upset than Then restore what was lost. That’s why the wolf population in Germany practically did not increase until the 90s.

But from that period in the country there has suddenly been a steady growth once exterminated predators, which in some years reached 30 percent. When environmentalists began to search for the reason for such a sharp improve the situation with the wolves then to their surprise found that military bases that grew in Germany with nineties of the last century. Here’s what it says about it Ilka Reinhardt – biologist at the German Institute for the Study of Gray predators:

As it turned out, the matter is the status of such military bases. After all it is forbidden to hunt any animals all year round. Moreover the territories of these bases are perfectly protected and not some ecologists or foresters, but well-armed soldiers, for which the penetration of another is tantamount to emergency. For this reason poachers just don’t come here, and wolves feel here free: they get along well with the military. And it turns out double benefit: soldiers guard the wolves, and those are beneficial affect the ecology of the territories of the bases themselves.

Recall that something similar happened in the Chernobyl zone. alienation (after an accident at a nuclear power plant) from which a person has retired, and nature immediately “breathed freely”: the population increased almost all animals, even bears appeared, which are here have not been seen for a long time. Military bases in this regard play almost that same role: these are closed territories for fishers and, most importantly, poachers, including all kinds of environmentally harmful enterprises. The military itself, as a rule, is fighting with people, not with animals. And paradoxical as it sounds, but for nature – it turned out to be good …


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