The Gulf Stream has truly changed its character and became warmer, said the head of Roshydromet

The warm current of the Gulf Stream, which determines the climate in the North Atlantic and Europe, has recently changed its character – it became warmer and increased speed. He told about it today at press conferences at ITAR-TASS head of Roshydromet Alexander Frolov. “The Gulf Stream has become warmer than normal by 2-3 degrees, and the speed it is faster than normal, ”he said. – This is one of the reasons why The Arctic is much warmer than usual. ”

A photo from open sources

Photo by ITAR-TASS According to Roshydromet, told weather forecaster, 2012 in the northern region was “very warm.” “Temperature anomalies reached 5-7 degrees, this is absolutely a unique phenomenon that has never been observed before, ” Frolov. This, he said, led to “a minimum Arctic ice area – 3 million 346 thousand square meters. km. “” Trends, which we observe in the Arctic show a constant decrease area of ​​ice. Its thickness decreases and therefore the total volume. “Such an accumulating effect cannot go anywhere that allows us to expect a new decrease in ice area next summer, cautioned Alexander Frolov. In this case, the more open water, the greater her ability to accumulate heat, the scientist said. Positive feedback arises, changes accumulate, lead to new changes. So, it is noted that the drift velocity North Pole stations increased one and a half times compared with what was observed decades ago. Therefore speed the circulation of water in the Arctic Ocean has increased, which brings additional increase in temperature, stated Alexander Frolov. This has very important consequences for the climate and for of humanity. The life of the indigenous peoples of the North is radically changing. The area of ​​permafrost is decreasing. Severe storms crash coast on the northern coast of Siberia. In general, the head said Roshydromet, 2012 entered the history of the Northern Hemisphere as one of the warmest. He takes 5-7th place for more than 120-year-old history of instrumental weather observations.

Arctic Water Gulf Stream Climate

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