Photo from open sources
It’s no secret that it takes time to succeed. And than the more success we want to achieve, the longer it will take spend. Richard Branson became an influential millionaire far from one night. David Beckham did not become a super football player after several workouts. Madonna was not lucky enough to wake up a pop star one fine morning …
However, there is a method that is universal for any of us and triggered faultlessly. Many people are very knowledgeable about him – and never use, preferring to wait until the world opens wide give them your hugs. And so they wait their whole life …
Therefore, we suggest that you adopt the simplest way, which will necessarily lead to success and happiness. It is called “theories of half an hour.” The advantage of this method is that It suits absolutely everyone and easily fits into any mode. Total the idea is that a person daily for half an hour performs a certain action, and then gradually complicates it. Does this seem obvious and even commonplace? Yes, and yet …
Suppose you read for half an hour every day. So what, you say. But in this way you will read in a year about 24 books – more than many of us read in decade!
These half an hour you can gradually learn a foreign language or acquire other useful skills. As a result, in a year you almost complete a six-week course! But this is already not bad, right?
In this way, you can gain in-depth knowledge on any issue, acquire new specialties, etc. Six months later, such classes you will already understand a little your question, and through in a year or two you will become a real specialist.
Half an hour of daily work to achieve your dream is not like that a big fee. Compose poems, do sports, collect rare insects – do what you do all the time set aside for later.
And after about six months, look back, remember how it all started. What happened then and what do you have now? You marvel at how great you have come daily 30 minutes.
Do not reproach yourself if you had to miss a few days. Continue your studies from the moment you have stopped. Be proud of what you do for yourself wherever more than most other people.
Be patient, do not expect instant results. Remember: the higher your goal, the more steps on the way to it will have to overpower.