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Independent American scientists made an interesting discovery, figuring out what really is information roomy human brain.
According to experts from the nonprofit Institute San Diego Biological Research, translated into units measuring the amount of digital data our brain is able to store up to petabytes of information, that is, one thousand twenty-four terabytes, or over a million gigabytes.
Here are some interesting facts to compare. Popular the search engine “Google” processes daily about twenty four petabytes of information. Large Hadron Collider annually provides scientists with up to four petabytes of data. To create special effects for the acclaimed film “Avatar”, filmmakers used disk space a little more than a petabyte. In addition, one petabyte equals the volume of all textual information, contained on the World Wide Web. These are all written by humanity. books, textbooks, articles and much, much more.
Impressive, isn’t it? And this is only the amount of memory. The computational capabilities of the human brain are claimed scientists, any modern supercomputer will envy.
A photo from open sources
Comparing the brain of humans and rats
Study author Terry Seinowski reports his team made a real revolution in the field of neurology. Maybe, Americans overestimate their achievements, but nevertheless It’s worth giving them their due: previously no one was able to determine how much information the human brain can store, especially convert from to digital equivalent.
Researchers began to conduct their experiments on rats. Scientists carefully studied the brain of the animal and recreated it in the form 3D models, determining how much information can be stored the central part of the rodent’s nervous system. Then specialists compared the brain of a rat with the human brain and found out how much data we are able to remember. Needless to say that for this In the characterization, man surpasses the rat hundreds of thousand times.
However, run through your eyes and immediately remember the whole dictionary only a few are capable. As a rule, the human brain doesn’t works, and almost all of us from time to time forget where put the car keys and when our loved ones have birthdays.
Interestingly, the adult brain produces about twenty watts of constant electrical power. Despite to the fact that this is only enough for the dim bulb to work, overall our brain is a very complex and powerful mechanism akin to a photonic supercomputer.
Hadron Collider Rat Time