Photo from open sources
Canadian professional photographer and biologist Paul Nicklen was literally shocked when I saw starving to the limit a polar bear on Baffin Island, where he arrived as part of crew of the Sea Legacy. Picture is actually heartbreaking.
During his creative life, Paul took a photo – and a video camera during time of numerous travels of more than three thousand bears, but he had never seen such a thing. Here’s how it conveys its feelings scientist:
We stood looking at this starving man a polar bear and literally … cried. Tears of pity and some despair flowed out of our eyes by streams involuntarily while we filmed everything this is. The bear still clung to life, but it was no longer an animal, and a walking skeleton on which instead of a thick fur coat hung some miserable leather shell in rags …
Watch the video that Niklen later posted on internet video hosting. Notice how thin this one is. poor bear, because it’s even scary to look at him. He clearly hasn’t already no strength to move around. However, he continues to fight for a life. In the hope of at least some food, he looks into the trash the tank that the fishermen abandoned but finds nothing there, but because just falls to the ground, apparently already resigned to the inevitable death.
We couldn’t help him, Paul explains, we don’t have had neither meat products nor even tranquilizers euthanize an unfortunate animal. But even if we had food supplies, this would not save the bear, but only prolonged his misery. Moreover, according to the laws of Canada, we did not have the right feed wild animals. I recorded these creepy last minutes from life of a polar bear just so that people at least a little thought about what they turn nature into what suffering they doom wild animals with their thoughtless, and sometimes just criminal activity.
Environmental problems due to global warming in which the person with his rash activities is to blame for many things, lead to such, and even more terrible consequences. what concerns polar bears, they were the first to feel growth water temperature and sea level rise, staying in summer practically without food. It is no coincidence that ecologists predict that all this may lead to the complete extinction of the polar bear as a species.
Unfortunately, such shots concern only ordinary people, from which little depends. For the sake of money, the powers that be are not going to such crimes against nature, and environmentalists in this case keep quiet in a rag. You don’t even have to go far for an example: today the largest forests of Ukraine are being destroyed barbarously EU companies, which means the same as this white bear, thousands of other animals die, not to mention others the consequences of such illegal logging.
Life Bears