The Incredible Theory of Scientists: People and Everything consists of vibrating strings

The Incredible Theory of Scientists: People and Everything Around Consists of Vibrating StringsA photo from open sources

Recent scientific studies show that everything around, including humans, consists of the finest vibrating strings similar to stretch elastic bands. And all this is located simultaneously in 11 dimensions.

Scientists have put forward the theory that the smallest particles are quarks, and, therefore, everything in the universe, including all living things, as well as light and even gravity, consists of the finest vibrating strings.

These strings are somewhat similar to stretched tapes with a closed contour. However, what is most surprising is that they are all simultaneously in eleven dimensions. If the human brain is capable perceive the environment in three dimensions (excluding time), then it will be difficult for us to understand what eleven are measurements.

Universe strings vibrate at different frequencies

Recently, many scientists support the theory multidimensionality of our world. For example, professor of Columbia University of New York Brian Greene is sure that there there can be many dimensions that are curled up in superdense space. Inside any particle is a “dancing” energy thread that resembles a vibrating string. Moreover we don’t even have such measuring instruments that could detect it. Currently, the theory of superstrings is increasingly considered by physicists in their research.

Green believes that this is what the microscopic landscape looks like A universe that consists of an infinite amount of vibrating at different frequencies of energy strings. Moreover, different frequencies form various particles that make the surrounding world.

String theory is currently being researched by scientists at the LHC. (Large Hadron Collider), where at huge speeds they collide particles with each other, leaving some fragments “knocked out” in other dimensions.

Time Universe

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