A photo from open sources
Anatoly Chomchoev and his wife Diana, formerly active researchers, and today retirees, live in the Republic of Sakha on The 45th kilometer of the Vilyui tract is practically in the forest, providing themselves alternative energy.
And although they are supposedly divorced from civilization, this creative couple continues his scientific work attending international conferences, publishing scientific articles without stopping research – Now mainly in the field of alternative energy.
For many years, studying the world’s most popular alternative sources energy, in particular, solar panels and windmills, the Chomchoevs came to conclusion: this is all pampering, entertainment for the rich. Essentially and a solar panel and a windmill are suitable only for low-power household devices, while the costs of their acquisition and maintenance are not never pay off.
That is why Anatoly Chomchoev proposed his own version. alternative energy – portable atomic generator, mechanism which is surprisingly simple, why the engineer is even afraid patent my invention, because I’m sure: certainly (and very quickly) they will be spread all over the world, creating their analogues.
Patriot of Yakutia and Russia as a whole
Chomchoev’s nuclear generator is built on a completely different principle work than modern nuclear power plants. He cannot explode, not dangerous to surrounding wildlife does not require water cooling and so Further. In a word, a find, especially for Yakutia and others remote settlements of Siberia, the Arctic, and so on. After all, for providing 100 residential buildings of a small Siberian village is needed portable nuclear generator, covering an area of only 2 square meters and generating at the same time at least 15 kW of energy. Its cost is less than two million rubles, while the service life – at least 50 years in stand-alone operation without any refueling, without replacement of spare parts and even excluding maintenance.
It would seem that the Russian authorities and, in particular, the leadership Yakutia, where the problem of providing affordable and cheap electricity in remote areas is particularly acute, should today carry Anatoly Chomchoev in his arms, immediately highlight him the means to implement his unique project, a team assistants and so on.
None of this, wherever a scientist writes, no one has yet hears (naturally, and does not answer his letters). And here is the company Tesla is already interested in developing a Russian engineer, offering Chomchoyev everything – a laboratory, necessary financing, not to mention everything else that is called in Russia normal life of a scientist. Only Anatoly is in no hurry to agree to proposal of Elon Musk, he is a patriot and wants the greatest a breakthrough in the history of the energy of mankind certainly began in his native Yakutia, but in general – in Russia. That’s how figuratively he himself says about it:
Now in the world, and in the Russian Federation, too, they are trying come up with different ways to save energy and fuel. A all this is similar to that period when inventors argued that it is better on telephones – buttons or still a spinning disk. But came to the world of mobile devices – and this problem simply disappeared by herself. So in this case it will be approximately the same, I just want this revolution in energy to happen first in Russia…
By the way, note that the reaction to this news on the Internet in basically came down to such opinions:
- such an invention is simply impossible in principle, and even if perhaps no one will let him into this world, because it prematurely;
- when there are still so many hydrocarbons and thanks to them practically all our world elite is “fed”, then premature portable atomic generator is obvious …
There is also such an opinion – bullshit. And over whom we do not laughed (at Kulibin too), and if they didn’t laugh, then these people, As a rule, they disappeared into poverty or even disappeared without a trace. Then it’s better to laugh …
Russia Yakutia