The largest nuclear facility in the Russian Nuclear Center laser in the world

The largest laser in the world created at the Russian Nuclear CenterA photo from open sources

Russia’s nuclear center is located in the closed science city of Sarov Nizhny Novgorod region – next to the famous Sarov the desert where the great Russian holy hermit lived at one time Seraphim of Sarov.

Currently, the largest in the world is going to Sarov a laser unit that surpasses the American in power NIF at least one and a half times. In the future, already outlined experiments related to controlled inertial nuclear fusion, thanks to which scientists of the Russian nuclear center in the laboratory conditions will try to ignite a thermonuclear target.

A photo from open sources

This is what the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of the Institute says about this. Laser research Sergey Garanin:

Until now, no one in the world has been able to accomplish such a task, because even the most powerful NIF installation today is not able to provide the necessary uniformity of exposure to the central capsules. But our laser will demonstrate a completely different system irradiation – spherically symmetric. Therefore, based on experience previous experiments, you can almost with absolute certainty say that we will succeed. Not enough for this yet laser, which is able to bring pulsed energy to the target proper power. But here he is, almost ready …

A photo from open sources

Performance tests of the systems of the first module of the “large laser “is already in full swing, its launch is scheduled for the end of the current of the year.

Time Lasers Russia

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