The last achievement of mankind – artificial Intelligence

The last achievement of mankind - artificial intelligenceA photo from open sources

Scientists of the world sound the alarm, expressing a collective protest against creating “killer robots.” Artificial Intelligence for military, in their opinion, could lead to what it becomes The latest achievement of our civilization.

Among the leading scientists who signed the open letter of appeal to to all earthlings (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Buenos Aires) vs. War Robots, Professor Toby Walsh (specialist in this matter), theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and many others – more than one thousands of signatures.

In their opinion, an autonomous offensive weapon in the form of military robots will certainly provoke a new round in the arms race. AND if nothing is done today, then tomorrow may be late, because such a technology can be much worse atomic warfare. As Toby Walsh emphasized, the problem is not in artificial intelligence, but in the underdeveloped human.

However, other scientists, in particular ufologists, tend to believe that our civilization is under tight control from aliens who will not allow a global cataclysm capable of completely destroy humanity. An example is available the space system for protecting the Earth from asteroids, existing with from time immemorial, constant observation of us by aliens (numerous UFOs that certainly appear in hot points of the planet), finally, irrefutable facts of interference aliens at times when humanity was on the verge of unleashing atomic warfare.

Skeptics always have the same thing about it. question: why then aliens, if any, do not stop wars, do not destroy weapons on Earth, do not eliminate the clearly fiendish world government of the Illuminati is finally not come in contact with us? The answer to this question is very simple: orthodox scholars do not consider divine origin people who are given freedom of choice. And this global The universal law, apparently, cannot be violated by anyone, even the most humane impulses. And nobody wants to contact us (or cannot, is not entitled, for example) for the same reason as outlined by Toby Walsh, the still underdeveloped intelligence of earthlings …

A photo from open sources

War Artificial Intelligence Robots Stephen Hawking

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