The laws of the universe, which have long been known, but few follow

The laws of the universe, which have long been known, but few follow themA photo from open sources

We invite you to recall the basic laws of the Universe, about which read Vedic books, various spiritual teachings, say the wise and enlightened people. Today – thanks to esoteric literature and the Internet – probably everyone knows about these laws (or very many), but for some reason they are followed by units.

But the execution of the laws of the universe makes a person happy and invulnerable to the blows of this world. For example, you will not jump from the roof of a ten-story building, because you know well about the law attraction. Ignorance of the truths below can lead to at least terrible tragedies. However, people in most cases do not they are interested in the laws of the Universe, and if they know them, they consider compliance with these rules is optional.

A photo from open sources

So here they are:

  • All that man sends to the universe, in the end returns to him.
  • To be in harmony with yourself, you should be independent of other people’s words and opinions.
  • To change for the better any situation, it is necessary internally accept and agree with her.
  • The main task of man on Earth is his growth and development personality.
  • Life is like a mirror. The events taking place with us reflect our internal state. Therefore, you need to be responsible of your life and don’t look for the guilty, if you don’t have something alright.
  • Any act we have committed is very important, because in this The universe is all interconnected and connected by invisible threads to us.
  • A person truly realizes and accepts only what he himself survived and felt.
  • Do not dig into the past, as well as focus on the future; the most important thing for a person is what happens to him now.
  • In life, nothing is given to anyone by chance, as a result of which some are dense, while others are empty. “Everyone gets as much as he can bear in order to pass all the necessary lessons. And while we do not let’s go and do not learn, our life will move in a circle.

And finally, the main thing: the Universe is favorable only to those people who can selflessly give and sacrifice for others.

Universe life

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