A photo from open sources
US scientists report that sea level rise is due much more people will be affected by climate change than assumed earlier. Coastal most likely to be affected territories of Asian countries, where more than 200 million people live. These findings were presented by researchers in the publication Nature. Communications.
Scientists have revised the impact of sea level changes on Earth’s population, taking into account the topography of the coast. For his analysis they used the SRTM elevation model data which was created thanks to the images taken from the shuttle Endeavor. The model covers areas where 99.7 percent of the population lives. the planet.
Scientists recognize that this model has a certain disadvantage of the inability of the SRTM to take heights into account various buildings and trees. In this regard, in the calculations arises a positive error of about two meters. Most scientists consider that due to climate change the sea level in this century rises by more than 2 meters. This suggests that the effects of high tides in densely populated areas are likely scientists are greatly underestimated.
To get more accurate data, scientists using artificial intelligence have created a more accurate matrix of heights (CoastalDEM). As a result of this, it turned out that the positive the error for New York, Miami and Boston became less from 4.71 meters to 0.06 meters.
Scientists found that in the 20th century as a result of climatic changes sea level rose on average by 11-16 centimeters. TO 2050 is expected to rise by 20-30 centimeters. However there is the likelihood that intense melting of Antarctic ice may “spoil” the calculations of scientists and will lead to sea level rise more than 2 meters.
The resulting matrix of heights showed the worst prognosis for the population. planets almost three times. The most favorable scenario is considered in which by 2100 areas with a population of 190 will be flooded million people. The most affected countries in Asia: Vietnam, Bangladesh and other island states. However, if the quantity greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere will not decrease, it will suffer from the flood of 630 million people.
Now about 1 billion people live within 10 meters from the water level (during the highest tide) and a quarter billion people – within 1 meter.
Previously, scientists called places on Earth where you can hide from deadly epidemics.
Andrey Vetrov
Matrix Life