The most entertaining Japanese inventions of the latter time

The most entertaining Japanese inventions of recent timesA photo from open sources

Japanese craftsmen never cease to amaze the world with new ones devices and mechanisms that at first glance may seem rather strange, but in fact have a serious practical value. 1. Disguise clothes

vending-machine-dressA photo from open sources

Japanese designer Aya Tzukioka creates a unique collection clothes-transformer, which turns, for example, into a vending automatic machine Coca-Cola. Perhaps someone will find such an idea stupid, but Ayia has a noble purpose: similar clothes will be a way to protect women and children from street criminals.

2. A simulator of kisses

Kiss-Transmission-DeviceA photo from open sources

Scientists from Kajimoto Laboratory at Japan University telecommunications conducted a study on tactile communications. The purpose of this study was to create a device, able to effectively convey the sensations of a kiss. Device equipped with a tube that you need to take in your mouth and rotate your tongue. At the movements of one tube are exactly repeated by another tube on exactly the same device. So your partner has the ability to feel at a distance those feelings that you they wanted to convey to him.

3. Clothing with fans

kufukucho-air-conditioned-shirt-work-cooling-6A photo from open sources

If you work in hot conditions and without air conditioning, then forget about sweating and stuffiness forever. Self-cooling jackets and shirts have now become reality. Japanese developers Kufukucho found an original solution to this problem – clothing equipped fans powered by simple batteries. Fans located on the back and have a control panel. Just needed connect the fans and connect the cable to them.

4. Pillow in the form of knees

japan_lap_pillow_2013_08-15A photo from open sources

Pillow imitating female knees was developed by Japanese designers who think outside the box. According to developers, during long wait at the airport or long such a pillow will help a lone traveler (especially man) feel the closeness of a loved one and create a feeling security.

5. Android robot for dental training

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Another groundbreaking invention was introduced by Japanese scientists from the University of Shov. Hanako 2 is a robot that accuracy imitates a patient at a dentist appointment. Unlike of its predecessor, this robot was created more realistic, functional and easy to handle. Now he has silicone skin, and mouth and tongue exactly like real ones. The robot repeats natural movements of man. This model is designed with using technologies developed by the famous Japanese Orient Industry, which, incidentally, is engaged in the production of very popular in Japan sex dolls.

Time Robots Japan

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