The most famous exclamation is “There is someone under us!” belongs to the American ufologist Alan Polanski, who with in 2005, a small group of researchers studied abandoned Mountains South American Lake. From the depths of the reservoir came very strange sounds. Their nature has not yet been established. Photos from open sources In many cases, expeditions succeeded capture strange sounds with hydrophones. In particular, in Russian lake Svetloyar. The legend of the sunken city of Kitezh, whose bells are still heard on the bank of Svetloyar, well known to many. When viewing the surroundings of the lake from an inflatable boat sounds were recorded that did not have a biological nature, their the origin was clearly anthropogenic in nature. The case of two engineers from St. Petersburg, resting on Lake Specific and catching fish. According to the story of Vitaly Sychev, they have been looking for a clean place on the lakes. At first they were out of luck: as soon as they found a quiet the lake and cast fishing rods, a jeep with a jet ski on a trailer, and three guys roared with a roar him on the lake. I had to reel fishing rods and look for another, more quiet forest lake. Deep in the forest jungle, they stumbled upon treasured quiet lake Specific, which turned out to be small, but in in some places its depth reached over twenty meters. At engineers had a single boat, so one stayed on the shore, and another went fishing in a boat. Vitaly almost swam to the middle of the lake, when he suddenly drew attention to strange sounds, coming from the depths of the lake. Vitaly in his youth had to work for factory, and an incomprehensible sound immediately reminded him of the work of steam hammer, his blows, hissing. Then these sounds died down and were heard others, but it already looked like rail strikes. His partner fishing on the shore; I didn’t notice anything unusual, but after lunch, when it was his turn to fish, he also heard strange sounds. And after sunset, the sound of a large bell was heard, while There were no industries and settlements near the lake. In England, in county Wales, Celtic lake Llyn Bala, according to legend at its bottom also a sunken city. In calm weather, houses, walls of the fortress and bells are heard. The city was ruled by King Tegid Foel and the Queen Karidven, a sorceress, the grandmother of the great Merlin. Sound underwater the bells were heard in Lake Malove Plotovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. IN Tishkovo, a village near Vitebsk, the sound of bells is heard out of the ground. Locals witnessed strange anomalies, incomprehensible visions. In the spring of 2002, a group of French researchers on inflatable boats examined one of the southern bays African Lake Victoria, where, according to local residents, a large animal unknown to science appeared. Submerged in water hydrophones recorded strange loud noises, like a certain the giant beat with a hammer on the same giant anvil. These sounds arose after an hour or two after sunrise and stopped shortly before sunset, sometimes they stopped for a long time and appeared again after five to seven days. However the history of this phenomenon has been around for several centuries, and the sounding lakes themselves are on all continents. In Eurasia, the most famous The “talking” lake is Ladoga. Often, fishermen who have left the coast for 2-3 kilometers, hear a mysterious rumble, rolling, as if distant the echo of a thunderstorm. When the sky is covered by clouds, on these mysterious sounds (brontides) often come across beginners on the lake – like “water-motorists” and yachtsmen immediately sending their vessels to shore. By the way, in various literary sources you can find distorted variations of this term, but it goes directly to the Italian word “brontidi” meaning sounds that observed in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Much less often a different kind of brontid is observed on Ladoga – a long sound, similar to the sound of a bursting bass string. Even less likely to hear two or three such sounds in a row. And some water tourists overnight in numerous skerries of the northwest parts of Ladoga, suddenly wake up from the sound of wheels quickly an approaching train, although no train nearby, of course, not. In early 1890, American professor S. A. Forbes visited on Shoshone Lake in Yellowstone National Park with a view invertebrate studies. In his report, he made the following entry: “In this place, on an early quiet morning, we heard mysterious sounds, which is famous for the lake. They looked like a trembling harp string, that someone touched. It was also like a telegraph ringing. wires and sometimes to quiet melodic voices talking high above us. A sound came somewhere far, approaching and getting louder and then removed and disappeared in another direction. Sometimes it seemed like he wandered aimlessly around us. In each case, the phenomenon lasted from a few seconds to half a minute. Usually these sounds can be heard on a calm, clear morning. shortly before sunrise, at this time of day the sounds are louder and more clearly. But one day I heard them at noon when a breeze blew. ” Forbes colleague, professor Edwin Linton, working on a nearby lake Yellowstone, heard similar sounds. They resembled some metal vibrations that occurred directly above the heads, and then moved southwest. On average, this phenomenon was observed about 30 seconds. Sometimes the sounds resembled the howling wind, although around full calm reigned. In the same place, researcher Hugh M. Smith in 1919 heard something like the distant hum of a huge bells repeated at intervals of about ten minutes. Curious, that strange sounds resembling the sound of an organ were observed Smith and during the movement of the canoe in which the members were expeditions. In Australia, starting in 1870, gained fame Wilg’s sobbing water hole near Ratwain Station. once Two sheep shearers spent the night near her. However they couldn’t get enough sleep: in the middle of the night a quiet was suddenly heard crying, which was getting louder and louder. Then he was replaced by in the words of witnesses, diabolical otherworldly sounds, “which are not under the power of a human voice. “Sounds grew. Cutters it began to seem that their eardrums would burst now, wild fear literally shackled them, preventing them from leaving the cursed place. Then the howl became quieter and gradually turned into a quiet whining. When all quietly, the cutters jumped on their horses and galloped away. Sounds similar to Ladoga brontides and reminiscent of distant thunder peals are observed on the coast of the North Sea, mainly in quiet foggy days. They are known to locals by the unpronounceable name of “Mystepoferry”. The same peals in the Ganges delta is called “barisal cannons.” Similar phenomenon in New York State is consonantly called “Lake Seneca Guns.” Researcher Albert J. Ingalls writes about the mysterious sounds: “Their the direction is indefinable, and as the beginning of the rainbow, they are always “somewhere more. “In the Connecticut River Valley, this phenomenon is called” rumble Mudusa “(by the name of the city), and in Haiti -” goof-fra. ” In the Philippines, locals consider unusual sounds peculiar in the voice of a distant sea and are sure that they are produced by waves, hitting the shore or walls of the grottoes. They believe that these mysterious sounds are closely related to changing weather and usually portend typhoon coming. In 1870, the correspondents of the magazine “Nature” launched an investigation of the so-called “Great Town” sounds “that are heard in coastal lakes and on the coast Costa Rica, Guatemala and Trinidad. Ego were weird metal vibrating musical sounds, with a characteristic rhythm. Yes, and additional, but not consistent factors were noted: sounds more often heard on metal ships, but only at night. A Researcher S. Kingsley heard the sounds “rattling” the locomotive in the distance when it releases steam “(that is, very similar to some Ladoga brontides). With all the extensive statistics observations of a similar phenomenon over the past two centuries, he was not an acceptable explanation was found, and those who speak out sometimes just naive. In geophysics, there is a whole field of science, which called the acoustics of the atmosphere. There are also acoustics of the ocean, but alas, no acoustics of lakes. In one story of an Armenian writer it was said how schoolchildren and the teacher explored mysterious sounds, published by an alpine lake and which the locals attributed the roar of the underwater deity. So, guys found a hole in which periodically rushed the waters of the lake, while publishing frightening sounds. That’s almost all I’ve read about research “voices of lakes.” By the way, about the same explanation Wilg’s “diabolical sounds” “water hole” is voiced for Australian phenomenon. More or less acceptable explanation given to the sounding lakes of Yellowstone National Park. There seismic activity is very high, periodically nearby there are geysers associated with lakes, apparently common water layer. It seems that during their work these musical sounds. Well, as for the Ladoga brontides, there is only one rather meager assumption that perhaps they are associated with a feature of underwater currents and a complex topography of the lake bottom. IN unlike “lake” studies, the study of the strange sounds of the seas and oceans set to a higher level. Recently, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) recorded sounds in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, origin which cannot be explained. For more than twenty years, scientists record and explore the sounds of the oceans. They recorded sounds seismic activity, marine animals, noise moving ice arrays. However, the origin of some of the sounds is explained still not possible. Various theories involving marine life, ice instability cover and even a UFO. Sound called “Roar” NOAA detected this sound in 1997, it sounded at ultra low frequencies and was incredibly powerful. He was spotted in a very remote area of the Pacific ocean, which is located southwest of South America. Character sound suggests that its source was some animal, but famous science animals are not able to make sounds of this nature, in addition, the volume of the “Roar” is several times higher any known animal noise. “Roar” was simultaneously registered by several hydrophones removed five thousand kilometers apart, making it the most distant from ever heard ocean sounds. Sound “Julia” He was registered by NOAA on March 1, 1999, his the duration was approximately fifteen seconds. This noise came from the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, the source was somewhere between Easter Island and South America. The sound of “Julia” was like that very loud and was recorded by hydrophones separated a distance of more than five thousand kilometers. Sound called Slowdown This NOAA sound was recorded on May 19, 1997, It lasted about seven minutes. He was called slowing down, since its height continuously decreased for seven minutes, C 1997, this noise was repeated almost annually, its location the source was identified just north of Easter Island, not far from Pacific equator. Scientists put forward a hypothesis of origin sound “Slowdown”, but it is not confirmed, His sound reminds Antarctic ice mass movement but source location excludes the presence of ice there at any time of the year, so discussion stays open, Sound called “Train” This sound NOAA was also recorded in the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, A bit south of Easter Island. The sound is dominated by regular increasing volume and pitch to fixed limits that consonant with the whistle of the train. Sound “Rise” It was recorded by NOAA in August 1991 and consists of many frequently recurring sound waves with a quick rise in frequencies. Since the discovery of this sound was recorded annually, but the frequency and volume with each at once constantly decreased. There is a seasonal pattern – the most high frequencies sound reaches in the spring and in the fall. Sound source located in the Pacific Ocean, north of Antarctica, approximately halfway between New Zealand and South America. Scientists say assumption of the seismic nature of this noise and bind it appearance with volcanic activity in this region. Sound under The name “Whistle” This sound was detected July 7, 1997, and It was registered with only one hydrophone sensor. It is quite unusual, since all of the above sounds were captured, by at least four different sensors at the same time. A source sound is located in the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, approximately five hundred miles (approximately 800 kilometers) from the city of Mexico City. The sound resembles that of a whistle and usually lasts about a minute. The “whistle” is recorded annually from the moment it is detected. All these inexplicable sounds come from the Pacific depths. Can be long wonder what serves as their sources: animals, seismic activity or even UFOs? The good news is that the answer may not be long in coming, because NOAA Develops new high-tech hydrophone sensors. Them sensitivity will be more than a hundred times superior hydrophone features used now. “Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown “№23 2012
Antarctica Water Time Easter Island Islands Sun