Photo from open sources
Watch a short video, on the one hand, fixing dramatic moment, during which a traffic accident nearly dies a man and his child, and on the other – showing that Guardian angel often pulls people literally from the clutches of death.
The video demonstrates how a motorcyclist with a young child pulls up to the sidewalk and tries to park in the riser, obviously planning on going to the store or somewhere else. Baby himself sitting on the trunk and get off the vehicle yourself can not. And here something amazing happens. Motorcyclist suddenly grabs the child and abruptly jumps aside – the next moment a car crashes into the parking lot, demolishing literally everything in its path. Knead a man for a split second – and not him himself, no kid would be alive. But some power allows he should react with lightning speed to the approaching danger and save son is literally a miracle.
All this happened the other day in China. Unfortunately, the place and time not specifically indicated. It is only reported that the video was received from the camera street surveillance. However, the rest is not so important …