Let’s start with the USA, where as a result of a landslide, a road collapsed in Arizona. The depth to which the roadway has fallen is almost 1.5 meter. Photos from open sources It is also reported that this Earth’s crust shift is not related to weather conditions. The road was closed in both directions and so far there is no evidence that when it will be restored. It is reported that as a result cataclysm several car collisions occurred however neither what serious consequences of the data were not reported.
A photo from open sources
In the UK there was a landslide which living here people are described as one of the worst in their memory. As a result disturbed railway traffic in the city area Scunthorpe. Sim Harris, editor of a national newspaper for the British railway, confirmed that the consequences of the destruction worst in recent decades. Resulting in thousands of passengers Now they will have to use the services of buses to ride between Scunthorpe and Doncaster. Restoration work railroad tracks cannot begin until they stop the movement of the earth’s crust, but when it is, no one has a clue. Recall that landslides are not uncommon, especially a lot because their rains last year. However, most of them accounted for in the territory where the railway does not pass, or else it was minimal damage that quickly restored, but not in this time. The recovery time of the road is still unknown.
A photo from open sources
Now let’s go to Spain (Cendea de Galar), where massive landslides destroy fields and territory near roads. Two electric poles are seriously damaged, which is why there is a risk of them falling. A landslide occurred in the southeast slope of the Mountain of Forgiveness, residential buildings are not affected. Sushi sizes, which slid, reach a width of 700 meters and 800 wide. IN as a result, several roads were destroyed and damaged, about 7 fields and cattle that were on pastures. Most of the roads are blocked.
A photo from open sources
In Kashmir, their homes due to a crack in the ground left more than 200 families. According to locals, a crack with more and more every day, because of which they express fears, that apartment buildings can collapse at any time, resulting in loss of life. Those who could have left their homes, the remaining had to spend the night, afraid at any moment of being buried underground. Official persons from the Department of Soil Conservation, took samples and sent them for testing.
A photo from open sources
A giant cliff formed on Friday and among rice fields China. The cliff depth is 10 meters, and the sound of its collapse was heard at a distance of 100 meters. No casualties reported, but villagers now have to deal with a huge hole over the center of their land. The relevant authorities took the area under the control.