The mysterious killer clown turned out to be a woman

The mysterious killer clown turned out to be a womanPhotos from open sources of

Recently on the screens of cinemas came out the horror film “It” by Stephen King’s eponymous novel. Supernatural picture the killer clown gathered a huge cash register and received rave reviews both from professional critics and from ordinary viewers. And who would have thought that right now, thanks to this film, all of a sudden the mystery of the real American killer clown will be solved committed his atrocity 27 years ago and remained all this time to go unpunished.

Despite the fact that there is no paranormalism in this incident, probably not, it’s still quite interesting. In particular, because that the killer turned out to be a woman dressed up in a bright suit with a red wig and false nose specifically to take the life imaginary rival.

May 26, 1990 Marlene Warren from Wellington, Florida was at home when she suddenly heard a doorbell. On the the door was a man in a clown dress who handed surprised mistress a lush bouquet of flowers and a bunch of balloons. Then the uninvited guest suddenly pulled out a gun and shot right at Warren’s face, after which the eerie clown calmly retired. Doctors many hours tried to save the victim’s life, restoring by The fragments of her skull, however unsuccessfully. Without regaining consciousness, woman died in intensive care. The killer was never found.

A photo from open sources

However, now the investigation has received a new turn. Florida police officers made planned rediscovers of old affairs and drew attention to the fact that the late Marlene shortly before her murder divorced husband Michael Warren. He immediately married after the divorce on a certain Sheila Keen. Law enforcement officers suspecting a certain person here connection, contacted Keen and took her DNA sample. It turned out that he matches the DNA of hair found 27 years ago in place crime.

Why did Keen need to kill her husband’s ex-wife, not it is known. The woman was taken into custody, and she is currently awaiting court.

DNA Life

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