The Chinese say this: “If you visited five sacred mountains of China, you can not go to other mountains. ” about Mount Huashan – the center of Taoist religious practices and a place for Alchemy classes. They say that Lao Tzu himself lived here. Not so long ago a complex of mysterious caves was discovered in the bowels of the Blooming Mountain.
A photo from open sources
Huashan blooming mountain is called because the peaks of this complex of five mountains form a lotus flower. Mountains stand in the distance about 1-2 miles from each other and oriented to the cardinal points: center, south, north, east, west. Huashan Mountain – Western Sacred mountain. It should be noted that this is an unusually picturesque area, however, climbing to the top of the complex is very dangerous.
The paths leading to the peaks are very narrow, winding, long 12 km Entangling the rocks with their serpentine, they finally converge at the highest point of the complex at an altitude of 2,100 m. In mainly pilgrims decide to go this way.
In some places they have to overcome the path along narrow bridges, attached by chains to steep cliffs, which requires people considerable physical strength and endurance, and most importantly, enviable determination. After all, most of the wooden bridges built a lot centuries ago.
A photo from open sources
The path leading to the summit passes by Taoist monasteries, some buildings of which date back to the 11th century, such as a temple Yuquan and the palaces of the Yuan Dynasty. But the bulk of the buildings are more the late period, relating to the rule of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The Huashan complex, according to UNESCO decision, is included in the List of objects natural heritage.
Unusual and inaccessible mountain Huashan today has become even more known for the grandiose man-made caves found in it at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Everyone who was lucky to see them, unanimously consider the cave one of the wonders of the world. These are unique dungeons in the rocks of the southern part of Anhui province (China) to the east from the city of Tunxi were accidentally discovered in 1999.
They were discovered by a local peasant who was so impressed. seen, that he considered it necessary to inform the authorities about his find. AND he was not mistaken: the caves in the scientific world caused the real sensation. Scientists, researchers rushed to Huashan Journalists and tourists.
The caves are located at 30 degrees north latitude, i.e. at one parallel with the pyramids of Giza, the sacred mountain of Kailash in Tibet and the Bermuda Triangle, and, as it were, close this mysterious chain. It is unlikely that this arrangement can be considered an accident.
To date, scientists know about 36 caves, and how many of them nobody really knows. Remains a mystery and the answer to the question, is there a message between them or is each of them independent construction.
When a preliminary survey of the caves, researchers I was struck by the scale of what I saw. Huashan Mountain Underground Complex exceeded the size of all known similar structures. All 36 caves were assigned serial numbers, and many of them have not yet have names.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
For example, the total area of the 2nd and 35th caves exceeded 17 thousand square meters. m. At an approximate calculation, when clearing them, 20 thousand cubic meters m of crushed stone and soil and pumped out 18 tons of water. Three powerful pumps worked there for 12 days. Now the premises are open to visits.
Cave number 35 is also called the underground palace. Apparently, this the honorary name was given to her because of the truly royal size. It is located at a depth of 170 m, and its total area is 12 600 sq. M. m. The entrance to it is small. To get into this magnificence, you need to pass a 20-meter tunnel.
In the middle of the underground palace, 26 huge stone columns supporting the vaults of the cave. These gigantic pillars have over ten meters in diameter. As you move into the cave it seems that they diverge, forming triangle.
The palace is not only striking in this: one of its walls, which is wide 15 m and a length of 30 m, located at an angle of 45 degrees. Scientists with using infrared rays it was possible to establish that this wall created by nature and is a natural entity.
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
Here you can see underground lakes and pools with transparent clear water through which the bottom is visible. Separate rooms stone stairs, bridges across the underground rivers … It is curious that all these bodies of water are below the level of the Xinyang River, which flows into Huashan Mountain Valley, seven feet. It is surprising scientists and strange two-story building with a balcony, from where visitors The whole panorama of the cave opens.
Another cave called Huansi also has a huge area – 4 800 square meters. m with a length of 140 m. Inside it there are several premises: a spacious hall with columns, pools and several small rooms on both sides of the tunnel.
It should be noted that all underground rooms are multi-tiered and have an irregular, bizarre shape. However created the impression that the one who created all this thought out the details before little things. More recently, in the 2nd and 36th caves, 18 bas-reliefs.
Isn’t all of these stone bridges, stairs, balconies, columns may be evidence that caves have artificial origin?
The fact that the caves were built by people no longer causes any doubt. Take, for example, traces of a tool similar to a trace chisels that are visible on the surface of ceilings and walls. But what is it was for the tool creating such grooves, and how stone was hollowed out: in pieces or removed completely, and also whether the ancient builders used forests is still unclear.
Perhaps people just made the most of what was already created by nature. Assuming that the breed is nevertheless hollowed out, then they would have to take out of these places at least 100 thousand cubic meters m stone! So much rock can be lay out a road with a length of 240 km. Actually, the Chinese much under the force.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
The mystery is where these dumps have gone, because no no traces of the recovered rock were found. Built at home? Not all houses in the district are built of blue stone, and Huashan consists of motley breed.
The next question that has puzzled scientists: what builders used technologies if the angle of inclination of internal walls accurately repeats the external angle of the mountain and its bends? If they hadn’t done this, they would surely have punched a hole out. How people managed to achieve such an unusual the interior? Again, they could not work in complete darkness, it means that they somehow illuminated the premises, but no traces of fire or no soot was found …
It seems completely surprising that the caves are completely devoid of echoes, vaults and walls are arranged in such a way that they absorb sounds, providing complete silence. For what? Maybe the echo could stop saying a prayer.
Surprisingly, such a large-scale construction is not described anywhere. Only in the manuscript of the Chinese historian of the Han Dynasty (135-87 years before n e.) there is a mention of Mount Huashan, but not caves. He wrote that the Chinese rulers came to the mountain to pray there gods and their ancestors. Perhaps it was in the caves that these prayers, because it is unlikely that emperors made a difficult path to top.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
The purpose of building caves to this day remains a mystery. That they were not built for housing, no doubt. Then for why? Still for meditation and worship? However, they do not have murals, nor any deities, therefore it is doubtful that they served religious purposes. If these are still ancient temples, then what rites were performed in them, and most importantly, by whom?
Maybe the reason is much more prosaic and they just mined there a rock? But why complicate the task? The stone is quite can be mined on the surface of the mountain, not inside it. As grain storage they are also not suitable because of the increased humidity.
Or was it some kind of secret object? Location troops, for example. Versions can come up with a great many, but not one of them has not yet been confirmed by evidence.
A photo from open sources
Exploring the caves continues. Scientists are trying to find moves and tunnels that could connect separate rooms. In the process Research is emerging new finds. So, were discovered ceramic products, according to experts, created in 265-420. in the era of the Jin Dynasty.
Based on the analysis of stalactites and cave walls, their approximate age – 1,700 years. But it is possible that the caves are much older than scientists suggest. There are a lot of questions, enough work for researchers for many years to come.
Water Stones China Caves