The North Ocean is about to cease to be Arctic

The Arctic Ocean is about to cease to be ArcticA photo from open sources

American scientists predict that this will happen in within 10–20 years.

Climatologists have long said (and substantively prove) that polar ice is melting as a result of global warming. Politicians make of this its own conclusions: the authorities of Russia, USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark “plowing plots” in the Arctic Ocean, proving their rights hydrocarbon-rich seabed. Today it is in many places still covered not only by the thickness of the water, but also by the ice shell, however ice is getting smaller every year, and very soon, scientists predict that in the summer it will not be at all. it will radically expand the geography of oil and gas production to North.

Scientists’ forecasts are quickly becoming more radical. Back in 2007 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believed that sea ice in the Arctic would last until the end of the current centuries. Now we are only talking about the first half of the century. The other day two researchers at the National Oceanic and US Atmospheric Research (NOAA), James Overland and Muyin Wang, published a forecast: summer ice in the Arctic will not be in the first half of the 21st century – perhaps even for one or two decades.

Their studies, the results of which are published in the scientific Geophysical Research Letters, based on three different methods, all three of which showed the same result: sea ​​ice in the Arctic is rapidly disappearing, soon it is almost not will stay. Scientists emphasize the word “almost” because some patches of ice will obviously persist north of Greenland and Canadian archipelago.

“The rapid disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic,” says James Overland – is probably the most obvious indicator global climate change. It leads to shifts in ecosystems, changes economic access (scientist means access to Arctic hydrocarbon deposits. – I.B.) and potentially affects weather throughout the Northern Hemisphere … The rapid loss of the Arctic sea ​​ice emphasizes the urgency of the problem of change climate. ”

Three models used by scientists in their calculations give different results – from 10 to 40 years old – but not one of them leaves chance of the North Ocean to remain Arctic in the second half this century.

From the melting of floating sea ice, the level of the world’s oceans does not rises. It is growing, albeit slightly, as a result of warming sea ​​water, scientists say. The density of water is maximum (and its volume, respectively, is minimal) at a temperature of 4 ° C; increase ocean temperature means an increase in its level.

The alarm of the scientific community is that the melting of the sea ice in the Arctic results in melting of ground ice carapace of Greenland. Science Magazine Published Results research sponsored by NASA, European Union, National US Science Foundation and UK Research Councils and Of the Netherlands: the melting of the Greenland ice sheet now goes at five times faster than in 1990. If all this ice melts, level The oceans will rise by 7 meters. What time (centuries) take the process of melting the shield more than two kilometers deep, which covers the largest island in the world is a moot point. The only controversy is that the melting sea ice in the Arctic is the process speeds up.

A similar pattern is observed on the opposite, southern cap planets – in Antarctica. In the scientific journal Nature Geoscience Group scientists (Neril Abram, Robert Mulvani, Eric Wolff and others) describe pit drilling results in two different regions Antarctic ice sheet. In one of two places, on Antarctic Peninsula, ice is melting at the fastest pace for a thousand years – an analysis of a 364-meter core of ice showed it, extracted from the drilled pit. Over the millennium – tenfold an increase in the rate of ice melting! Elsewhere in West Antarctica the process of rapid melting of the ice cover is also going on, but the analysis of the sample ice shows that over the past two thousand years there have been periods according to their parameters approaching the present.

Scientists say that, at least in part, the reduction ice cover in Antarctica is the result of economic human activities. “The Antarctic Peninsula,” says Nerily Abram from Australian National University, – warmed up to such that even small increases in temperature can now lead to a significant increase in summer ice melting. it has important implications for ice instability and increased ocean level … ”

Once again, it is useful to draw the attention of our skeptics to the fact that global warming results in a wide variety of climatic anomalies are both hot summers and cold, snowy winters. As for ours, the Northern Hemisphere, say for it thanks to the melting Arctic, says climatologist Jennifer Francis from Rutgers University (USA, New Jersey).

Has the process of melting Arctic ice reached a point of no return? There are different opinions. A group of prominent scientists on the pages of the magazine Nature is of the opinion that emissions should be reduced immediately. greenhouse gas atmosphere by 60% and continue to reduce further. Difficult, but possible. Perhaps, but hardly real …

Ilya Baranikas

A photo from open sources

Bivalve Antarctic mollusks from the species Laternula elliptica just can’t adapt to fast growth temperatures within the oceans.

What general conclusions and results did the experts come to, what now you need to take it, the news department experts decided to find out Science, UK news and Germany economic news publications for modern investors “Exchange Leader”. Also important the fact that in the long run this can be a push complete extinction of this species. These are the results of several studies, conducted by researchers at the Institute of Polar research them. Alfred Wegener, as well as in English National Antarctic Research Center in parallel with their colleagues from the Federal Republic of Germany from a science center University named after Christian Albrecht in the town of Kiel. As shown various kinds of research and experiments, climate global changes that are most pronounced in the polar regions of the earth’s surface, find a literal instant reaction from the Antarctic mollusks. In the case of a rapid rise in the ocean water acidity rises as well, the mollusks simply lose the amount of oxygen they need, and they simply begin to move to the territories with the most favorable conditions and environment for their development. And yet, actually managed to figure out that for this kind of adaptation only mollusk individuals that have not yet managed reach the age of three years. More adult representatives of this species in view of their age-related muscle atrophy cannot move, therefore, in fact, are doomed to death due to lack of oxygen, write RIA news. Foreign scientific publications and media also focus on the fact that how once after the being reaches the age of three, all individuals from this species acquire the ability to reproduce their offspring. Based on this, as the authors and experts themselves note, participating in the study, in case of future raising the temperature in the oceans, as well as the acidity of water mollusks Laternula elliptica are simply doomed to the inevitable decrease in numbers, in the long run they face complete extinction.

Valentina Fomina

Antarctica Arctic United Kingdom Water Time Germany Global warming Greenland Climate Russia USA

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