Rumors and versions that not only because of the strategic either of political interest, the Nazis were eager for Stalingrad in 1942 year, go a long time, they have become quite popular in the press. At Researchers there is a version that in the causes of the Stalingrad battle was also a mystical component. Photos from open sources Researcher from the city of Volzhsky For more than twenty years, Mikhail Vasiliev has been seriously studying this problem. “About twenty years ago,” says Mikhail, “ I took up the work of organizing trips to our region of tourists. I had to visit a lot of museums in Volgograd, at the memorial complex “Battle of Stalingrad” in the archives of the Mamaev Kurgan. Then I met a man who was obsessed with fanaticism alone a mysterious idea. “Give me money and I will dig a well in Orlovka! “- with this request he passionately addressed the leadership at various levels. As it turned out, Michael at one time learned from one elderly Stalingrad is such a fact. At the end of the Stalingrad Hitlerites threw the battle into a well located on the city outskirts near the village of Orlovka, eleven zinc boxes. After that, they blew the well, but the most incredible Romanian soldiers who helped them in this work were shot. – What the well, what was hidden in it? – became interested in Michael. Carried away by this secret, he learned over time that the mysterious well He’s not looking for one. They showed interest in a strange object near Orlovka also some German citizens who came to our region under various pretexts. Asking the locals, they offered them money for any information about the “well near Orlovka”. – “I thought,” says Vasiliev, “why would today’s Germans Are you interested in the facts of bygone years? Orlovka at the time The battle of Stalingrad was the place where the Nazis gathered forces for the assault on the Mamayev Kurgan, this was their base point. Ibid in Orlovka, a unit of the Sonderkommandy SS “4 A” was based, which the moment was commanded by the SS Sturmbanführer Eugen Steymle. This unit SS men engaged in punitive operations on occupied territories, tarnishing itself, in particular, by participating in mass executions of civilians in Babi Yar, near Kiev. But here near Stalingrad, the Nazis did not conduct such operations was planned. Why then were they here? – Having worked a very large amount of materials of that time, – concludes Mikhail Vasiliev, – I came to the conclusion: Sonderkommando “4 A” engaged in the preparation of a secret operation, for which, in essence, and the battle began near Stalingrad, and in this was the sacred meaning of the Battle of Stalingrad. Otherwise why did the fascists need to storm the ruins so desperately? Stalingrad to by that time was actually destroyed both as a city and as communications hub for supplying troops operating in the Caucasus. The port and oil storage facilities were bombed. The plants remaining in it, became ruins, among which were machine tools.
Random companion Good luck comes to those who are looking for her. TO Mikhail Vasiliev, carried away by the secrets of the battle of Stalingrad, she came over time in the person of a random companion traveling with him in a train bound for the Urals. This fellow traveler turned out to be a veteran Battle of Stalingrad, during which he was an intelligence officer. His name was Alexander Agafonnik. About what happened to him in the years war, the veteran spoke reluctantly. However gradually fellow travelers found a common language, the former intelligence officer, as they say, talked out. From it was him that Mikhail gleaned many exciting information on the question that interested him. During the execution of the intelligence task Alexander Vladimirovich was captured not far from the Don. However the Germans did not send him to a prisoner of war camp because he like the person interested in the commander of the SS Sonderkommando “4 A”, and he left him with him. This German officer was fluent in Russian tongue. “You are interesting to me,” he then told Agafonnik. – Therefore while you live with me, you and I will just talk, to talk. You can treat me like an enemy, but take me according to my intellect and treat me as equal to equal to. When it became clear that the Nazi group, surrounded by near Stalingrad, doomed to death, the Nazi officer released Agafonnika. It seems that he was imbued with respect for the Russian officer and not wished him death. Having appeared to his and reporting on activities SS Sonderkommando “4 A”, Alexander was arrested by counterintelligence and sent to camps. He served a long prison term. Kolyma, was rehabilitated only in 1983.
Stalingrad and Anenerbe At the end of World War I Germany was in a state of crisis. The Germans began to look for a way out out of position. But all the usual ways to overcome it were to time “blocked” by the activities of other powers. “So it’s necessary to work in that area, – a conclusion was made in Germany, – in which other nations do not work. “And the Germans turned their eyes to the ancient occult knowledge. Adolf Hitler, a mystic by nature, is not accidentally time after time he sent the best representatives of the special services Germany to Tibet in search of secret knowledge. To these studies Llamas and Tibetan monks were attracted. In Europe, tense the search for the miraculous Holy Grail, which, according to legend, was the blood of Jesus Christ is collected. Then in Germany in order to occult-ideological support of the state apparatus Hitler Reich was created and a closed military institute under the name “Anenerbe” – “German Society for the Study of the Ancient Germanic history and the heritage of their ancestors. ” the German government spent more money than Americans on the Manhattan atomic bomb project! With time came to the Germans success. So, for example, was developed mystical alloy that lasts several centuries tried to create ancient alchemists. The ancient Egyptians called it substance “electrum”, and its visual manifestation was “electricity”. With his help, the Nazis intended victoriously end the war against the USSR, influencing through “world air” on the people who inhabited this territory, that is “world ether” was a prototype of psychotronic weapons! A grab Mamaev’s mound for them was a key step in the implementation of this plan. The German leadership at that time understood: that to break the resistance of the Soviet people, it is necessary to apply something special against him from which he had no protection. But atomic weapons were not yet created. Mystic scientists from Anenerbe very well studied the activity of the Earth as a single living organism. A military laboratory worked for this purpose. “Königsberg 13”, located in Königsberg (Kaliningrad), on Kneiphof Island, now Kant Island. According to scientists Annenerbe, Mamaev Kurgan in Stalingrad is powerful energy point, a kind of “navel of the Earth.”
Do not wake a sleeping secret in a specific place (by which, as the Germans decided, Stalingrad and Mamaev Kurgan) were required reveal the “natural protective layer of the Earth.” Beneath him, in the depths, find the “nerve node” of the planet, acting on which you can achieve huge, colossal results. To do this, you need to lay “electrum” – material that has special, mystical and energy properties. Nature will begin to work. in a special way, influencing people living in vast territories and not ready for this influence. You can subdue them, to make weak, defenseless or just exterminate, freeing for themselves in this way the whole continent. – For this, – considers Mikhail Vasiliev, – and the unit was in Stalingrad Sonderkommandy SS “4 A”, in which specialists were Anenerbe dedicated to all these secret affairs. Therefore, it was brought here from the secret institute “electrum”, which, rather everything is located in the very zinc boxes that the Nazis buried in Orlovka, thus creating a cryocapsule. Retrieve they cannot be from there: the electrum enclosed in them has long entered balance with the surrounding nature and with the Earth itself. If break this equilibrium, disasters will begin – natural. And not only. A similar effect was observed when in Altai, on the Ukok plateau, in the eternal Novosibirsk scientists discovered an ancient burial ground the so-called “Altai Princess”. Then it soon began a series of terrible earthquakes, pestilence fell on cattle, a series of causeless suicides among local residents. Or you can compare this with how on the day of the opening of the tomb of Tamerlane Germany attacked the USSR and the worst war in history began. Confirmation of this version of Mikhail Vasiliev can serve as such fact: during excavations near Stalingrad, among other finds wartime, a military officer SS badge was found by search engines and a ring with a skull depicted on it. Such rings were insignia of honored officers “Anenerbe”, awarded them personally Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler. “Ring” Dead Head “is impossible buy or sell, – said the first SS man in Germany. – It the ring should never fall into the hands of one who has no right keep it. “What is the mound hiding? It is time to do conclusions. Mamaev Kurgan – a place where fate once decided the battle of Stalingrad, and with it the whole of Europe. 22 times per during the fighting, he passed from hand to hand. And as soon as the Germans took possession of him, large-scale earthworks began immediately directed explosions on the northeast slope so that carry out the tab “electrum” at the level of the nerve node of the planet, as evidenced by the preserved huge pit, overgrown with grass and shrubs. But it is possible that the value for humanity Mamaev Kurgan is not limited to this only. IN stories have evidence that once on top of this mound ancient Aryan tribes worshiped their god and where now stands “Motherland”, was a sanctuary, including and the god of war of nomadic Sarmatians. It is possible that these peoples the first in the history of mankind to identify a powerful flow of energy, coming from this place of the earth. The energy that lies in perhaps the main secret of not only the ancient Volgograd barrow, but also of our planet itself …
Commentary by a writer. Question needs further Gennady BELIMOV, Head of the Volga Study Group abnormal phenomena, author of more than a dozen books on ufology: – Mine the attitude to the version expressed by Mikhail Vasiliev is very interested. It is known that the brilliant scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, and after him a number of other outstanding minds believed that the Earth is a living intelligent organism with its own special physical structure and intelligence. Occult influence on her probably could have a corresponding effect on the physiological state and morale of the peoples of the USSR, and resistance could to stop. But so far we know such factors too poorly the impact of the image on the Earth, on the processes occurring on it. AND This is very controversial. Although there is some truth here. But she is so far from our modern materialistic science, so far causes more misunderstanding than confidence that really could be. On the other hand, rumors that there are mystical component in the causes of World War II and that it was not without reason that it was unleashed; it was not without reason that it was attacked precisely Mamaev Kurgan is undoubtedly of interest. I think they are required further studies of this hypothesis in search of new confirmations. Here we need a set of additional studies, moreover, not only according to Mamaev’s mound, but also according to the mysticism of war. Need knowledge on the ability to manage natural processes through impact on the Earth, on its specific points. It is possible that with any documents classified earlier will be discovered. In the meantime, it turns out that everything in this matter has been postponed for the future. Therefore, I personally have doubts about this, but there is no unconditional denial and rejection of the version expressed by Mikhail Vasiliev The question needs further study.
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