The offspring of a cloned cow turned viable

The offspring of a cloned cow turned out to be viableA photo from open sources

In China, one of the two cloned cows, and her the calf turned out not only with the given genetic parameters engineering, but also more viable than its ordinary counterparts.

Let’s clarify that this cow, nicknamed Nu Nu, was born in 2012, she an additional gene was instilled, which, as conceived by experts genetic engineering was supposed to increase muscle and adipose tissue. All It turned out, however, the experiment can be considered successful only in in case the cloned animal begins to give birth. And so it finally happened. Note that Nyu Nyu was still in August, however, Chinese experts were in no hurry to publish this news, because it was still necessary to carefully check what kind of offspring turned out.

And today the studies of the calf are completed, veterinarians stated that he feels just great. His body even less susceptible to negative environmental influences, than natural calves.

As Professor Xinhua told reporters Beijing University of Agriculture Ni Gemin, research also showed that the mother’s gene to increase muscle and fat the calf tissue is fully accepted and assimilated to “excellent”, therefore it is safe to say that the experiment was a success. And it should entail a major breakthrough in genetic engineering China.

For China, this is of great importance, since in the country there is an acute shortage of marbled beef (meat in plentiful fat, which is used for cooking steaks). China is currently purchasing marbled beef overseas, and at a very high price. And now a successful experiment suggests that this problem for China will soon be resolved.

On a planetary scale, we can assume that years through ten to fifteen China will flood the whole world with meat, say, stew, which, like on a conveyor belt, will be produced by numerous farms genetically modified animals, not only cows and gobies, but and all other types of livestock.


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