Now it’s no secret that at the turn of the 30-40s of the past centuries in Germany, aircraft in the form of a disk were developed. These devices are mentioned along with three other types of “weapons retaliation “- a Fau-1 cruise missile, a ballistic missile V-2 and the atomic bomb. Conducted after the end of the war in U.S. experiments with disc-shaped aircraft showed that all the engines known at that time were not for them fit. But the Germans such devices not only successfully raised into the air, but also demonstrated excellent flight characteristics. IN what is the matter? NEW TYPE APPARATUS To answer this the question will be transported to another continent. In the mid 1920s talented American physicist and inventor Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-1985) began work on the creation of an aircraft, equipped with an engine whose operation was based on principles of electrogravity. Brown discovered the relationship between electric charge and gravitational mass. Result of it experiments became the discovery, now known as the Biefeld effect – Brown, which was that an electric capacitor will move towards the positive pole and will keep this movement until it is discharged. In fact, it was about the ability to control gravitational forces and create on this basis of the aircraft of a fundamentally new type. A photo from open sources During the experiments, Brown came to the conclusion that the most effective for electrogravity flight is the shape of a perfect disc, or saucer. Drive traffic supposed by dividing the disk into segments, each of which can be charged separately. Moving the charge along the edge of the disc, it was possible to make the device move in any direction. Demonstration flights of experimental Brown discs with a diameter of 1 meter or more around a high mast with power supply wires showed that in front of the leading edge of the disk creates an area low pressure. This area, like a buffer, displaces air in front of flying disk, which eliminates the occurrence of a supersonic barrier and body heating. In 1945, Hawaii Brown demonstrated action of his gravitator and flying disks to the commander in chief US Pacific Fleet Admiral Arthur W. Redford. Right after a strange event happened – Brown’s rooms were stolen all entries. A few days later, in the same mysterious way records have been returned. TALK 0 PLATES From 1945 to 1952 year on Brown’s activities virtually nothing is known except that he returned to Los Angeles, where he founded the Foundation Brown. In 1958, the Air Force Major General unexpectedly visited the fund. USA Victor Betrandias. After this visit, between him and the Air Force General US Craig had a telephone conversation, a fragment of which we can reproduce: “Betrandias: – This is unbelievable, but on Friday I together with a man named Ler visited the Townsend Brown Foundation, and You won’t believe me, but I saw a model of a flying saucer. Craig: – Not may be. Betrandias: – I thought it was worth reporting this. Fund employees have long objected to my visit, and this the organization scared me because it was led by a group of private persons. I stayed there from about half past one to five in the evening, I saw two models that had such a colossal effect on me the impression that I decided that we need to find out who these people are and is their association legal? Now these developments are at that stage, at which was at the very beginning the work of creating an atomic bomb. Craig: – I see. Betrandias: – They told me that I shouldn’t talk about what I’ve seen, but I’m afraid that I believed all this, because no students are sitting in this fund. They take up pretty Well-equipped room in Los Angeles. I thought to me should contact you. Craig: – Yes, I’ll do it, see what I will be able to find out. “Betradias most likely ran into Brown Foundation’s development as part of the Winter Harbor project the creation of an electrogravity combat aircraft in form of a disk capable of speeds in three mach, which was twice the speed of that most powerful jet interceptor time. By the time of the unplanned visit, the project was on stages of preparation for the official transfer to the military department. IN Brown describes the test models of his disks as follows: “They do not contain moving parts and, while in flight, may not rotate. In the atmosphere they emit a bluish-red electric corona light and make a faint hissing sound. ” Brown also formulated a high voltage generation method for free-flying disk through a “gas-reactive generator. “It was a jet engine modified to electrostatic generator capable of transmitting to the housing apparatus up to 15 million volts. So the project was ready for the transition from the drawing board to the phase of technological demonstration. A few days after the conversation of Major General Betrandias with General Craig got involved in the Office of Special US Air Force Investigations. It released a copy of the report, prepared by the U.S. Navy’s Office of Marine Research “Townsend Brown Foundation Investigation.” The report lay on table of the deputy chief inspector of the United States Air Force Major General Joseph F. Carroll. On its basis, the Air Force and the US Navy deprived Brown of the project official support, arguing that “the effect is due to electric wind. “The report missed out on what Brown insisted on using very high voltage to implement electrogravity effect. While working on the project “Winter harbor “he used ten foot diameter drives passing on their voltage is 500 kilovolts, while the air force during tests used no more than 19 kilovolts. And even though this is a clear discrepancy, two experiments still showed abnormal results however no attempt to explain them made did not have. SECRET COMPETITORS Despite their misadventures, Brown continued to work. In 1953 he demonstrated in his laboratory flight of a 60-centimeter circular air disk route with a diameter of 6 meters. The aircraft was connected to the central mast with a wire through which a constant electric current voltage of 50 thousand volts. The device developed maximum speed of about 51 m / s (180 km / h). During the next he demonstrated the flight of a whole set of 90-centimeter drives in a circle with a diameter of 15 meters. Until recently, Brown was convinced that, with the necessary funds, the study the Biefeld-Brown effect would lead to a breakthrough in the field aircraft industry and the movement of spacecraft. As it appears, Brown’s work was not rejected because of their scientific insolvency, but because … their principles at that time were already known to the US military. In light of this, it becomes understandable episode with the abduction of Brown’s recordings. Probably someone wanted make sure that the scientist’s developments are based solely on his own theoretical and practical material, and are not the result of leakage of classified information. Should pay attention on one important detail – flight characteristics of the device, developed by Brown as part of the Winter Harbor project, strikingly coincide with the characteristics of UFOs in abundance observed in the years 1947-1952. It looks like while Brown was building test models of their device, someone already experienced the workers with might and main devices over the United States. GERMAN FOOTPRINT AND PARADOX EINSTEIN One of these mysterious faces could be Dr. Richard Mitya, who led the group working on the Third Reich the creation of disk-shaped aircraft. Test The first prototypes passed in the spring of 1944. It is known that after the end of the war on the personal recommendation of Werner von Braun Mite ended up at the US Air Force’s leading research center (Wright Field, Ohio). With the German footprint in this matter, another aspect of the problem regarding the theoretical justification for the discovery Brown. The fact is that Albert’s general theory of relativity Einstein is not able to explain the electrogravity theory, but discoveries of physicists in the field of quantum electrodynamics allow this to do. Homeland of Quantum Mechanics – Germany: in 1927 prominent German physicist Werner Heisenberg discovered the principle uncertainties, the cornerstone of quantum mechanics. What concerning the theory of relativity of Einstein, in the Third Reich its simply not taken into account. And Werner Heisenberg is still in 1930s by personal order of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler was enrolled in the Ahnenerbe Institute, which oversaw the work on the creation of “weapons of retaliation.” These included and a project to create disc-shaped aircraft. Einstein for thirty years, unsuccessfully struggled with quantum theory. The problem was not so much Einstein’s misunderstanding of its foundations, how much unsuitable for quantum mechanics is its “universal” theory of relativity. Einstein wrote: “I have been constantly searching another way to solve a quantum riddle. These searches were due to the deep, fundamental nature of hostility, which I’m being taught the basics of statistical quantum theory. “In April 1961 years, speaking to students, academician Lev Landau recalled about his meeting with Einstein: “Einstein could not understand the basic principles of quantum mechanics. This fact is truly amazing. I tried to explain to him the principle of uncertainty, but, apparently, unsuccessfully. “At the Einstein Centennial Conference F. Kashlyun summarized the problem: “One of the tragic aspects of life Einstein was that the development of quantum theory led to that she stopped conforming to his basic physical views, and this gap was, apparently, final. ”
A photo from open sources SECRET THEORY In the early 1950s German physicist Burkhard Heim attempted to reconcile quantum Einstein’s mechanics and general relativity. According to quantum theory of jaime, under certain conditions gravitational energy can turn into electromagnetic and vice versa. Jaime presented his theory at two congresses of the International Federation astronautics in 1952 (Stuttgart, Germany) and in 1954 (Innsbruck, Austria). Nevertheless, his theory until recently remained little known even to the scientific community. But how it turned out not for the U.S. Air Force, which back in the mid 1950s showed keen interest in the work of Jaime. At the famous Wright Patterson Air Base, led by Joshua N. Goldberg launched an “internal” research program gravity, operating with his calculations. Results of these works up to still hidden in the bowels of the US military. It is not known to what extent Thomas Townsend Brown’s research coincided with the development of his German colleagues, but, obviously, the general Brown guessed right. Despite the fact that his efforts it would seem that they were not crowned with success, it is thanks to him that we today we have an idea of the principles of movement of mysterious flying drives. Alexey KOMOGORTSEV, Interdisciplinary Research The Origins of Civilizations group
War Time Germany Rocket USA Einstein