The Restless Souls of Warriors

The Restless Souls of WarriorsPhotos from open sources

That dead people should be buried with due respect ceremonies, say almost all religions. But the massacres in periods of war and revolution often do not allow this. So, the fighting during World War II was so large-scale, and deaths so frequent that bury everyone the killed simply were not possible. Therefore, in the places of the past battles, where the unburied bodies of warriors remained, still ghosts roam and disturb the living. Stories happening to people in such places cannot be explained from a materialistic point of view view …

Mysterious lights

A group of students got out for a couple of days in the countryside. In the forest, guys and the girls set up camp and in the evening, as usual, organized a little booze. Suddenly, the girls saw two glowing red dots near the camp. These points flared up, then faded as if someone was smoking in the dark, looking out from behind trees a fun company. The girls, frightened, begged the guys deal with uninvited guests. They called out “smokers” and, not waiting for an answer, went to the lights. However, the lights when they disappeared, but where they shone a second ago, not it turned out to be nobody. Young people are back and fun continued. After some time, the red dots flashed again – and again an attempt to detect “smoking observers” failed a failure. Throughout the night, mysterious lights “terrorized” students who for some reason could not yet start a car to escape …

A photo from open sources

And in the predawn darkness in the very place where until recently ominous red dots burned, two fuzzy appeared briefly human figures. It seemed that at a distance of about 25 meters two men dressed in military uniform are standing and slowly smoking … First the foggy figures scattered the sun’s rays, and they disappeared without trace! ..

This time the car started up immediately. In the nearest village terrified students found the precinct and told him about the strange event. He, contrary to their fears, took the situation seriously. Perhaps he was convinced by the excited look of the guys, or maybe similar incidents were not uncommon here, but soon on The indicated place arrived people. As a result of excavations in the old the remains of two Soviet soldiers were discovered in a shallow trench.

Stories of “black” archaeologists

And this story happened in the camp of the “black” archaeologists of the dark summer night. After a day of searching, tired diggers sat near a small fire. There were ten people on their team. People talked with each other for a long time, some smoked … Then one of them wished to treat all the others brought from abroad with exotic cigarettes. The pack went in a circle, and soon all ten people smoked overseas tobacco with pleasure. But for some reason, lit cigarettes in the dark … eleven!..

As later told the most observant, who decided to count “for fun” cigarette lights, his hair stood on end thoughts that among them is someone else’s. When is this person told the comrades about his discovery, they finally froze one of archaeologists asked: “Who is here?” In response, an unfamiliar voice said: “No one,” after which one cigarette light disappeared.

A photo from open sources

Turning on the flashlight, the diggers found in the place from which he responded voice, stubborn crumpled imported cigarette – same as smoked they themselves. Without waiting for the morning, the guys began excavation at the site “mysterious smoker” and at a depth of one and a half meters found the remains of a lieutenant of the Red Army. His things are well preserved, with this cigarette case was empty. The question that they ask themselves “black” archaeologists: how long was a ghost among them, as long as He was not “calculated”? ..

Eternal battles

Residents of Belarusian villages are still afraid to walk along nights in the forest. They say that there are often heard not only shots, but also teams serving in German. Between trees you can often see transparent figures, but it’s worth pointing at them a beam of a lantern – and the figures dissolve … He who dares a long time stay in the night forest, hear quiet explosions and distinct sounds shots, even foul language of Soviet soldiers still marching in attack …

A photo from open sources

However, knowledgeable people do not advise to stay in such places, since there is a possibility that the traveler will return back already if he fails, he will simply disappear – and there are many such cases. Here old-timers say that if you get deep into the swamps, you can fall into the epicenter of a ghostly battle in which translucent figures kill each other again and again. In the swamps you can see fires of fires, however, do not approach them and break ghost rest …

But the most amazing thing happened in 1967. in the village of Zhichin. There entered a company of soldiers in Soviet military uniforms from the time of the Patriotic war. The young lieutenant asked the local old women what kind of the village, and, having received an answer, began to specify which side is Vitebsk. Then he asked for water and food, paying for everything. When the company left in the direction indicated by the old women, it turned out that the lieutenant paid with Soviet rubles in 1934. release. What were these people (if they really were people) and where did they go, unknown …


Physicist-spectroscopist Heinrich Silanov calls the above chronomrage phenomena (see video below), since long examines them, concluding that real events can be copied not only in space (desert mirages known to all), but also in time. However, this theory does not fully explain, say, the appearance of a smoking ghost among the “black” archaeologists, who even answered their question, and the company that appeared in the village of Zhichin WWII soldier, whose commander even managed through time and space pay for bread and salt with real money. Everything is much more complicated. and more mysterious …

War time

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