The retired US Air Force general claims that Americans already have technology for teleporting people

A retired US Air Force general claims that Americans already have technology to teleport people.A photo from open sources

Teleportation today is believed not only by ordinary people who have read esoteric literature, but also by many scholars. Moreover, starting at the middle of the last century, some of them are trying to master unique technology. By the way, there are all prerequisites for this, for example, the well-known Philadelphia experiment today, when the American destroyer Eldridge in 1943 during the next experiment make it invisible to the enemy just disappeared on for some time, changed hundreds of kilometers, and then returned back.

Teleportation is also mentioned not only in the ancients manuscripts, movement in space and time is common many tales. And as you know, there is no smoke without fire, and fabulous stories always have a real basis under themselves. Moreover, in the world quite a few people who instantly moved in space or in time involuntarily, and explain these cases except as a reality teleportation is simply not possible.

Therefore, it is difficult to even imagine that in secret laboratories experiments to master it do not continue. That’s why the statement US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Quast (Steven L. Kwast) at the space conference held in Hillsdale college that american scientists already own technology for moving people to anywhere in the Universe during more than an hour (see video below), doesn’t seem so crazy. Although some scientists and even independent researchers are right there questioned such a bold statement by the former general.

A photo from open sources

The fact is that such statements by the US military flashed in the press and on the Internet with amazing perseverance, and without any subsequent disclosures or confirmations.

There are two opinions regarding the statement of Stephen L. Quast:

  • if certain successes in teleportation have been achieved American scientists, the USA may not have any relations, it’s rather the work of a world government, a deep state, which, incidentally, was indirectly mentioned by himself lieutenant general that supposedly even members of the united congress States know nothing about this;
  • American propaganda throw misinformation in order to somehow compensate for their backlog in the development of modern military technologies in comparison with Russia and By China.

So Steven L. Kwast himself stated at the conference that teleportation will allow the US to confront in space China, which already building an orbital fleet capable of maneuvering and destroying their opponents, not only in space, but also on earth, at that while the USA practically do nothing to oppose something worthy of this space arms race.

A photo from open sources

The assumption does not seem accidental in this regard, published in The Drive magazine that a retired general may lead the United States Space Forces on the establishment whom Trump has already signed a decree and that was approved by the Senate as part of Pentagon budget for next year (in the amount of about 800 billion dollars).

But on the other hand, that only Americans do not have, if you believe all kinds of statements by retired military and information from the web Internet: and ships based on alien technologies (for example, the legendary aircraft “TR-3B Astra”), and the ability to fly to the moon, Mars and other planets, like many other fantastic achievements. And while they have never demonstrated at least something in order to wipe the nose of the same Russia or the same China. Something it doesn’t look like Americans. Think of atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Yankees today would not fail demonstrate their superiority, well, at least in some ways, but … apparently, so far they are content only with such “frightening and astonishing “world of sensations …

Time China Russia USA Teleportation

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