The riddle of a symmetrically bitten stingray surprised Network

The riddle of a symmetrically bitten stingray surprised the WebPhoto from open sources

Queensland Australian Fishermen Amazed when the other day they caught a large slope, from which they were neatly two identical pieces on both sides of the body are bitten off (look for visualization of the photo). When men found unusually damaged marine inhabitant, he was already dying and breathing with difficulty.

At the sight of huge, symmetrically located in relation to each other Australians came to a bewildered friend of wounds: how exactly and the flesh of the fish was even bitten off. You would have thought that the attacker or attackers specifically sought to ensure that the lesions were proportionate and equidistant from the median body axes – straightforward mathematical calculations!

A photo from open sources

Of course, many users of the World Wide Web found that a man mocked an unhappy creature.

However, fishermen exclude this possibility. According to them, the main reason for this was clearly the teeth of a large a predator like a shark. Perhaps the same shark bit a stingray twice, or at once two predators have posed for one and the same prey – did not divide the prey. Apparently, they threw it into the shallow slope. minutes before the anglers arrived. If there were some flayers nearby, our heroes certainly would have noticed them.

A photo from open sources

Be that as it may, the wounds on the animal’s body look, according to many regulars on the Web, frighteningly smooth and symmetrical. Perhaps what happened is a very unusual explanation, which we are unlikely to ever know.

And suddenly someone folded a slope in half, like a pancake, and bit once? – jokingly or not, one of the commentators writes in Facebook. And for some reason this joke is believed most of all. If not logically, then visually – without fail …


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