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What is love? To this question, mankind is seeking an answer to for many millennia. Today, Valentine’s Day (Valentine’s Day) we invite you to know an opinion about this the mysterious human feeling of a talented researcher Interpersonal Relationship, Leading Biologist at Rutgers University Helena Fisher.
Twelve Signs of Love by H. Fisher
To consider each other as the only and exclusive arc is nice the delusion of all lovers, moreover, literally going crazy with their lover, a person does not even suspect that at this time in his blood simply rises domorphin, which causes this most striking feeling.
Lovers look at each other through magical pink glasses, which increase the virtues and diminish the disadvantages. In their memories, a person constantly paints the perfect image of his sweetheart, falling under the influence of norepinephrine, which in this the period also rises in the blood.
If we consider the reactions of the human brain, then love and, let’s say drug addiction is very similar in nature. That the same euphoria and the same painful experiences up to the strongest mental “withdrawal”.
Craving for trials
Lovers are not only not afraid, they, as if on purpose, asking for various tests of their feelings. Why? Yes very simple – such extreme situations further increase the number of domorphin in the blood.
Love and obsession are twin brothers. Research show that the image of a loved one and thoughts about her are present in 80-90 percent of a person’s time. Even the most strong-willed and strong man suddenly becomes like a madman. And in the blood at this time just serotonin level decreases …
The desire to constantly be together is natural for lovers. The most interesting thing is that at this moment they can’t even imagine, that someday part.
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A man for his beloved is ready for any feats and sacrifice. In our society, this is most often manifested in the desire to bestow sweetheart with expensive things, and on the part of a woman – give yourself without a trace.
Self improvement
The feeling of love makes you improve, because a person wants to appear in front of her lover in a better light.
Unfortunately, love goes hand in hand with jealousy. In intimate In the relationship, every lover is an egoist and an owner. Not by chance because of this there are so many tragedies in the world.
Sex is secondary
If you are truly in love, you will be surprised to find that sex fades into the background. Even a banal poll of lovers shows: almost seventy percent of them do not consider sex the main thing.
Lack of control
No lover can control himself in his feelings. Some try – nothing works. If you it turns out – this is not love.
Love is short-lived. Helen Fisher with this categorically not agree. In her opinion, domorvin and norepinephrine in human blood, which decrease over time and … disappear – this is only a consequence love, but not a reason. After all, there are couples of lovers who carry their feelings through life – and even die in one day.
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Helen scanned the brains of many such happy couples and to I found to my amazement that the “pictures” of brain activity in they coincide with similar “pictures” of boys and girls, Embraced by the euphoria of love and passion.
It turns out, Love can be eternal. That’s just how she is born and on what depends? The mystery remains a mystery …