The robot first became the leader of living things

The robot first became the leader of living thingsPhotos from open sources of

Swiss Robotics held a unique, sophisticated and incredibly curious experiment that surprised them with their results.

Lausanne specialists planted zebrafish in aquarium fish miniature robot programmed to mimic under water the inhabitants. Artificial intelligence has successfully studied the behavior of fish and imitated their habits, and then completely exceeded the given to him mission, taking the place of the leader of the pack. This is the first in the history of science. the case when the machine became the leader of living things.

The authors of the project took a lot of effort to teach a tiny machine to vibrate, support a variety of rhythms of movement and maneuvering, change the speed of movement and so Further. At first, artificial intelligence simply watched the fish. Then he began to swim like them, and successfully wedged himself into the flock. Danio easily took a 7-centimeter robot for its relative. After this machine itself complicated the experiment for itself and began to influence the whole flock, I provoke the rest of the fish to swim in the right robot direction.

Experts suggest that in the future such an artificial intelligence will revolutionize the fishing industry. It will be enough to launch smart robots into the ocean, which will force the prey to swim in the net itself. Interesting, isn’t it? ..

On the other hand, this experiment proves that robots are easy self-learning and very quickly catch, and then successfully use all their advantages over the natural mind. Remember the film “Pirks Pilot Inquiry,” in which the weakness of the robot manifested in the fact that he was not capable of doubt and indecision. So, modern cars easily learn this: make mistakes inherent in man, show doubts (let artificially), however, this is what allows them to get better and more successful like us, than robots and have people for themselves – and how opponents of AI say, this is just what scares the most …

Artificial Intelligence Robots

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