The robot fly will spy on everyone

A photo from open sources PHOTO: YouTube Scientists have created the smallest robot in the world. Harvard scientists were able to create the smallest robot in the world, which is almost completely copies the behavior of a fly. It is constructed from hydrocarbon fiber, possesses “electronic muscles” and is capable of producing up to 120 flap wings per minute. The weight of the device is less grams. Its authors believe that the “flycat” can be used in various fields of activity. First of all, they say developers, the invention is quite useful when conducting search and rescue operations. The robot is able to move around vertically and horizontally, hang in one place and hold in air a lot of time. Therefore, they conclude scientists, a “flyer” will be able to penetrate the rubble of buildings, into caves, dense vegetation and foci of chemical pollution, reports Russian service of the BBC. Inventors do not hide that their novelty military experts may well be interested. Robotic flies virtually silent and invisible and therefore can penetrate into the smallest holes to get information. Or to for example, they can be used to monitor specific people in crowd. The problem that prevents the introduction of the invention into mass production, while only one: the robot is located, as they say, on short leash. Own energy source that needs not so much, he hasn’t yet. However, experts believe that this shortcoming will be fixed soon.

Arkady AZAEV


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