The robot wrote the first scientific book

The robot wrote the first scientific bookPhotos from open sources of

In Barcelona during the International Publishing Forum Since 2016, the first world scientific book written by not a scientist or even a group researchers that has been practiced more often lately, and … a robot.

This in the world of technology is completely drawn to the revolutionary, and therefore a very significant event. The book itself was dedicated to the problem lithium-iron battery, the authors became a beta writer – modern robot. You can read the book in both digital and paper option. The publisher of the book has become one of the most respected in the world. agencies. That’s what the representative of this publisher said about this Henning Schoenberger:

Today on the Internet you can on any scientific topic, including including batteries, find a lot of different information. Robot, to which the editor initially sets the task and sets the algorithm search and selection of the most valuable material is much easier and faster in dealing with this business than a person. Of course the car in this case does not completely replace the person, but it significantly facilitates his work. Therefore, you do not need to perceive robots as enemies of humanity, which are encroaching, as some have already said, to the holy of holies, that is, they begin to write books, compose music, paint pictures and so on …

A photo from open sources

Austrian publisher Rüdiger Vischenbart adds that, despite obvious progress in many areas of modern society, the publishing industry, on the contrary, is experiencing a regression that due to many objective reasons and primarily the development of the Internet. Therefore, a modern book can be a success. only if there is a wide presentation on solid forums, creating a special website on the Internet, dedicated to this presentation, various digital versions, comics, and even video games featuring characters from the book, and etc. In this case, without artificial intelligence, simply not get along. This is why publishing robots are so important. AND the first robot writing a science book is good Start…

Time robots

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