The scientist is confident in the death of mankind from computers

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The days of the cold war are over, the risk of a nuclear disaster has become much lower. However, now the survival of mankind is threatened computers and artificial intelligence. Cambridge scientists believe that the script for the movie “Terminator” can come true in the course of this century. Existential Risk Research Center (CSER) Cambridge conducted studies that proved that modern technology can destroy human civilization already in the near future. Scientists analyzed the danger that represent biotechnology, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, nuclear war and climate change, writes PhysOrg. Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn and Hugh Price philosopher sure that the main threat to human survival civilization – an increase in the computing power of computers. Early or later, this process will lead to the creation of a “Single Artificial intelligence “who will be able to write programs on their own and without human intervention to produce robots, their “offspring.” “During this century, the mind will leave the limits of biological nature. Intellect will also be acquired by electronic systems, we will not be the only one reasonable view of the Earth, – says Price, – We must seriously approach the likelihood that the invention of artificial intelligence may become the new Pandora’s box. If mistreated the consequences could be disastrous. “CSER experts going to interview analysts from areas like politics, law, computer science and science to make up as accurate as possible disaster forecast. According to Price, the main danger is that one day computers will start distributing resources in accordance with their own needs, to the detriment of human desires. “Perhaps humanity will have to fight for resources with the dominant species, ”Price says,“ Take, for example, gorillas. They do not die out because people are hostile to them, but because we we change their environment in accordance with our desires. ”

Artificial Intelligence War

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