The scientist told what the absurdity of the idea a significant extension of human life

The scientist said the absurdity of the idea of ​​a significant extension of human lifeA photo from open sources

Royal College of London Professor Mauro Jacca the other day Daily Mail page expressed his opinion on why everyone the attempts of scientists to prolong life are absurd – this is a dead end human development.

According to the scientist, today all efforts in this direction development of medicine, genetics and so on are aimed at make the body practically immortal (or “long-playing”) person. At the same time, few people pay attention to the fact that over the years, a person’s brain performance decreases – somewhere on 15 percent to 80-90 years.

That is, a person begins to think more slowly over the years, to remember worse, respond to the world around him with a belated reaction. The spread of dementia in old age is a common occurrence. That is, modern science prepares a person of the future with a healthy body, but a weak brain.

And the cure for dementia, continues Jakka, in senile age has not yet been found, even Alzheimer’s is still for doctors a secret behind seven seals. Of course, we can assume that when scientists solve all problems with the body, they will take care of the head, having achieved success in this case too. But is it? After all, with the body while success is not so significant, more praise and bravado when the wish is given out as real, not to mention deception: on the other day the chief editor of one of the most respected medical in the world Lancet Magazines Dr. Richard Horton (pictured below) stated that 50 percent of peer-reviewed research is fiction, just fake. And at this time, cancer literally kills people – and every year everything stronger, not to mention the appearance in the world of more and more terrible diseases.

A photo from open sources

If we turn to the biological clock of modern man, concludes a London professor, then they limit our lives 120 years. Obviously, Mother Nature (or God, to whom is closer) not in vain measured a person a certain life expectancy. If analyze numerous facts, you can see that everything attempts of people to somehow artificially affect this process, suffer complete collapse: a person or dies quite early, no matter what (healthy lifestyle, billionth fortune, allowing use the best clinics and doctors of the world), or old age (and not so fantastic) becomes senile.

If you add to this not so fantastic theory reincarnation, it becomes clear that modern scholars want compete with God. It turns out that some doctor, even let a great genius, better than the Almighty knows how to develop humanity – in its daring desire to abolish on Earth death, which is nevertheless better called rebirth, transition – and then maybe there will not be so many illusions, stupidity and cruelty …

Life time

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