Photo from open sources
Scientists of the United States of America are sounding the alarm. State the geological service of the country believes that all the latter earthquakes that hit the US are associated with shale mining oil and shale gas. Similar developments, experts say in their report, lead to the movement of deep layers of the earth’s crust, which and causes earthquakes, not to mention other negative shale boom impacts, for example, on ecology and health people.
Seismic activity in the United States today it’s precisely in those areas where similar developments are underway, in these In places, the magnitude of the oscillations reaches seven units on the Richter scale. According to researchers, the continued production of shale gas and shale oil could lead a country to true environmental disaster, not to mention that it will cause unpredictable consequences of earthquakes, awakening volcanoes, the appearance of even more terrible tornadoes and other natural disasters.
Recall that it was in the United States that the so-called “shale revolution “, which today spreads around the world again with the help of american companies that are trying to produce shale hydrocarbon fuels in many countries, for example, in Poland, Ukraine. Suffice it to say that after that intervention in the deep layers of the earth’s crust Ukraine for the first time in shook many centuries (an earthquake), which for this territory is not characteristic at all. There you go, granny, and shale gas…
In the United States, shale mining has spanned many territories, for example, Wilson in North Carolina. Entrepreneurs bought from farmers here land today are freely engaged the barbaric destruction of their country. As the locals say the water has become poisoned, the air is saturated with some poisonous fumes, nature perishes, and this is not counting earthquakes. And the thing is that with shale development of hydrocarbon fuels in deep layers of the earth pump terrible in their destructiveness for all living chemicals.
Watch the new documentary film “Shale Revolution. Scam century “, in which the authors analyze in detail what can lead America, and the whole world, shale oil and gas exploration. what for Russia, we have quite enough conventional oil reserves and gas, therefore, in the Russian Federation did not seriously deal the study of this issue, that is, the country passed this demonic bowl.
Earthquakes Russia USA Ukraine