The source of “clean” electricity found scientists

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California scientist Thomas Miller (Thomas Miller) with a group of researchers demonstrated an unusual way generating electricity using water. Detailed article description published in PNAS.

Scientists have created metal plates with a thickness of 10-20 nanometers, which were immediately covered with an oxide film, the thickness of which is about two nanometers. Along these plates let alternately with each other another streams of water. When charged in water, ions are drawn into their the movement of the electrons of the metal layer, an electrical current.

Scientists believe that the same device, but already having an area 10 square meters, will be able to generate electricity in several kW * hour. What can easily provide ordinary energy American household.

The inventors are convinced that this technology can ease to take its place among other renewable sources energy (RES). Moreover, special emphasis was placed on its application in medicine, where the mobility of special equipment is important value.

Now scientists have begun experiments with saturated ions liquids instead of water. Researchers are sure that the new method Electricity production is notable for its simplicity and will be very cheap for the average consumer. The system will apply the most common metals, including vanadium, nickel, iron.

Andrey Vetrov


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