Although to deal with the effects of excessively heavy rainfall more than 50 thousand people are cast out in Heilongjiang and Jilin already has the first victims of the elements. Heavy rainfall in the form of snow that has not stopped for 60 hours has caused violation of the usual rhythm of life in the Chinese city of Harbin.
A photo from open sources
© China Daily | Reuters Heavy snow like 60 years have not been in Harbin, together with a violent blizzard forced Heilongjiang Provincial Capital Administration announce termination classes in schools and kindergartens, the news agency reports Xinhua. Photos from open sources
© China Daily | Reuters Huge rainfall, not having recorded in the meteorological record of China analogues, also caused interruptions in the communication of Harbin with others settlements: due to snowfall, the local airport is closed and several highways.
A photo from open sources
© China Daily | Reuters Forecasts hard to name encouraging: according to experts of the State Meteorological Administration of China, over the coming days snowstorm and snow in Heilongjiang will not only continue, but and get stronger. At the moment, the natural disaster that hit upon Harbin, assigned “blue” – the weakest – level of danger.
A photo from open sources
© China Daily | Reuters Although the fight against the consequences is excessively heavy rainfall thrown over 50 thousand people in the provinces Heilongjiang and Jilin already have the first victims of the disaster: in an accident, resulting from snow drifts on the roads, four died human, seven more were injured.
Life China Snow