The sun went on a record for dangerous radiation

A photo from open sources PHOTO: Erich Schlegel / / globallookpress South Africa, in the Bolivian Andes, recorded the maximum the ultraviolet concentration ever observed on our planet, – scientists from the USA and Germany told their they published research in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science, which also states that ultraviolet in such quantities able to harm both terrestrial and underwater life. “Record the indicator was not recorded in the Antarctic, where for decades there is a problem of ozone holes. This is a tropical area on which are small towns and villages, “said the head research by Natalie Carbo of the SETI Institute and Research Ames Center at NASA. It all started with the fact that in 2003-2004 scientists began researching ozone holes in the south hemispheres in the warm season, then to use data in the field astrobiology. They searched for places where conditions were maximized. close to the conditions existing on Mars. Therefore their attention attracted the volcano Likankabur at an altitude of 5,917 meters and located nearby the lake Laguna Verde at an altitude of 4,340 meters, where concentrated maximum amount of ultraviolet radiation. However, its intensity and concentration exceeded expectations of specialists. By the way, in order to determine the level ultraviolet radiation, World Health Organization developed an international standard called the UV index. If this indicator rises to 11, the level of sun exposure considered extreme. So that a person can go on street, the index should be 8-9. Well, with an indicator of 30-40 – it is simply impossible. At the same time, the UV index fixed by scientists was equal to 43. Perhaps it arose due to the simultaneous influence direct sunlight and high altitude. In addition, in two weeks before the record, flashes occurred in the sun. And maybe a consequence of the coincidence of many events. However was, scientists have food for thought. “Although this case not directly related to climate change, it can serve a reminder of the danger of ozone depletion, says Natalie Carball – The thinner and more unstable this layer is, the higher will be the likelihood of such events. “By the way, excessive UV exposure negatively affects health human and the biosphere as a whole: damages DNA, disrupts processes photosynthesis and reduces the viability of eggs and larvae. “Us it is necessary to closely monitor the ozone layer. After all, quite “Martian” ultraviolet emission occurred in a populated area “, Cabrol summed up.


DNA Mars Unusual records Ozone hole Records Sun

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