The terrible dolphin hunting season has begun

The terrible dolphin hunting season has begunA photo from open sources In Japan, a terrible season began in September, allowing the mass extermination of dolphins. He passes in a place Taiji – this is the name of both the village and the bay where the poor are driven animals. And this season will last until April 2016. And this not a single, but the annual killing of dolphins for eight months.

Do not think that in Japan itself no one is against it barbarism. For this reason, Taiji Bay is even heavily guarded – just from the defenders who are massively protesting against such the inhuman killing of intelligent sea animals. Cause dolphins perhaps in their intelligence they are not inferior to Homo sapiens, but in spirituality – certainly surpass us.

Japanese fishers drive dolphins into the bay and here some of the animals are selected for sale at various dolphinariums of the world, the rest are simply killed with spears, knives and hooks. Dolphins naturally resist, and therefore receive massive injuries and die a long painful death.

Japan has already opposed such barbarism the world, filmmakers even made a wonderful documentary “Cove” (see below), thanks to which a blatant hunt for the rational dolphins received wide publicity and outraged wide layers public in many countries.

But the Japanese government to numerous protests mankind always answers the same thing: hunting for dolphins in their the country is a traditional type of fishing, and it does not contradict no world laws. And in Japan itself, this “fishing” supposedly held under the law.

That’s just many people on the planet do not understand how it is possible in our century to continue to cynically and cruelly act with reasonable animals. It is no coincidence that many of the conservationists resemble the Japanese about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, about the tragedies that followed far from accident, given the atrocities the Japanese committed during Second World War. And they warn that the barbarian attitude the Japanese to the dolphins will not go in vain to them, and that all current and the future troubles of the country should be measured by the Japanese with such acts of vandalism in relation to the universal mind.

Soothes, as one of those who watched this one said the sad film “Bay”, only one thing: the souls of martyr dolphins will be reborn into new beautiful forms of life. And to whom they will be reborn killers, that’s the question? ..

Dolphins japan

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