It seems to me a little unfair, if not stupid, that we constantly waiting for some kind of threat from space. From there forever tumble meteorites, asteroids, comets arrive, creating a threat to everything living on the planet. Aliens live there, who also don’t against invading the Earth’s atmosphere and enslaving all life. I do not I understand too much – why do we infringe on our own planet, because we didn’t have time to really get comfortable here, as we climbed beyond atmosphere, looking for enemies there and possible scenarios for the end light, which, by the way, did not take place. If you look closely at myths, legends, legends, then on Earth there are many more real reasons for unrest than in space. If you collect statistics, I’m sure that the aforementioned legends will contain much more different “aliens” on Earth than outside. Photos from open sources Threat from the water From the moment writing my essay, “Thinking of Sea Serpents,” I became to understand that water is a much more mysterious substance than space. Yes, I may have bent, but this element is even closer to us, than the space gave, we have the opportunity to touch, try and thoroughly examine the water. Based on the above material we can conclude that huge underground are hidden reservoirs of livable water that communicate with each other and have access to the surface. In this essay I will rely on myths and legends, but this does not mean that the essay immediately stands be skeptical. As I have already seen, yes, and probably you, many legends and traditions contain a lot of valuable information, which only needs the right engraving, without bias skepticism. Let’s engrave? From personal views to the foundation article I once again put the beliefs of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization, which I consider very wise and advanced in all areas of science. It is worth noting that many peoples adopted the gods from the Sumerians, for example, the Babylonians, partly Hittites. By beliefs Sumerians underground there is a fresh ocean (Apsu or the Abyss) which created by the deity Ea. This Babylonian god is the key a figure in the cult of the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. He, by analogy with Christian concept of the creation of man, created people from clay, is a symbol of wisdom, the patron of underground waters and the underworld as a whole. It is noteworthy that this religion also has there was his Noah who saved humanity from death and was notified about the flood is Ea. By the way, if there are so many different peoples They talk about their Noah, maybe there were a lot of arks? Generally, many parallels can be drawn between the events described in Sumerian-Akkadian myths and the Bible. But we are interested in exactly that the fact that such a wise and influential deity is the patron saint water, and his son killed Tiamat. With the interpretation of the person Tiamat, you can get confused at all, but if we summarize all the information, then from this substance / deity, which is the personification of the salt ocean, from which everything was created. Another image of this deity – sea serpent, which is also important for this essay.
Photos from open sources In general, according to the beliefs of the Sumerians under water was originally stored wisdom, which he controlled mentioned Ea. There are characters like “asu” in this cult, that from the Sumerian language can be translated as “knowing the water.” On the frescoes “asu” are depicted in the form of people dressed in robes of fish scales. According to legend, they were skilled healers, and their gift received from Ea. Concluding a brief overview of the effects of water and deities given the elements in the ancient cult of the Sumerians cannot be missed and traditions Babylonian historian Berossa. He described a creature named Oanna, which came to the Sumerians from the Persian Gulf, and taught to various crafts, shared wisdom. According to myths, the body the creature was like a fish, and the head and legs were human. About it creation there is a lot of controversial information, but many historians believed it is necessary to study Oannes especially carefully (as Oanna was called by European version). Many researchers believe that Oannes and Ea – one and the same character. He appears in the Philistines, only under the name Dagon (fish / dag), this term we can meet in the bible. Continue the list of peoples and cults, where from water to “stupid” people comes out something wise is possible within the book. Our story is replete with references to human beings. But on this I I want to complete the consideration of deities from the elements of water, and once again note the theory that I started in the article “My view on the phenomenon UFO. “It seems to me that during the universal cataclysm in the form of The flood did not all people perish. Some of them could find a way survive underwater and adapt to being there.
Photo from open sources Then the surviving people became rise to the surface to a new, but “stupid” race of people. Looking at this Babylonian fresco of a human fish, you can safely assume that we are facing an ordinary person in a spacesuit stylized as a fish. Oanna on the mural
Let’s add here the impressionability of our brother when out of the water something unusual comes out / flies and the image of the mutant will be even more clear to us. I would like to associate with what is happening under water and various mythical and unexplored beings by us. Today there is the mass of books that tell about the sea monsters of our time and bygone days. Their varieties, in my opinion, are much more than those unknown creatures that come across on land (Yeti, Chupacabra). But I’m sure that we don’t even know the hundredth share of what happens in the depths of lakes, reservoirs, seas and of course – oceans. This element is pristine on this planet, and if we take into account the fact that there are problems with the date of creation of the world, then water has tremendous timelines for creating and developing completely unique life forms. An overview of threats from under water would be wrong, unless you mention the Kraken in it. There is hardly anything on land comparable in size and mystery, how abnormal giant squid. The closest mention of this creature dates from the 18th century. It’s about 1774, captain Robert Jameson under oath assured the public that he and his team saw a huge the body of a creature measuring 1.5 miles (1 mile = 1.8 km), which left behind a mass of fish and a storm. All this can be attributed to ravings of sailors who went over rum, if not for such a mass of information and mentions of this creature. Posted by: Andersen
Water Fish Life