A photo from open sources
It is believed that tropical rainforests are “light.” planets “, that is, a huge natural system that absorbs carbon dioxide and in return gives off oxygen. However last research by American ecologists suddenly put this thesis under doubt. It turned out that the tropics can “exhale” almost twice more carbon dioxide than recycle into oxygen. Thus, these ecological systems do not cope with their important task.
A team from Boston University calculated that rainforests annually emit more than 860 million tons of carbon dioxide. It is more than volumes of dioxide carbon emitted into the air by all United cars States of America for the same period. And the tropics absorb only about 430 million tons of carbon dioxide. Approximately 70% of all greenhouse The tropics of South America, Africa and Asia emit gases on Earth. The blame for everything, according to scientists, is the deterioration of forest quality caused by fatal human activities.
However, few people know that in fact most oxygen on our planet produce phytoplankton in the World ocean and peat bogs. About 60% of the oxygen that is produced plants, they themselves spend on the necessary for any organism oxidative processes and intrinsic decomposition. Some scholars even claim that during the full life cycle each a tree consumes as much oxygen as it does in its life worked out. It turns out that not forests feed us with oxygen, in in any case, not tropical …