The unique hairdresser of Pakistan, whom called “Scissorhands Man”

The unique hairdresser of Pakistan, who is calledA photo from open sources

That’s what Pakistani Muhammad Aways was nicknamed – a 26-year-old a hairdresser from the city of Gujranwala, who in his work uses a very original hair cutting technique.

To begin with, this guy almost from childhood wanted become a professional hairdresser, and not just cool a specialist, and a creative person who can create real miracles with hairstyles of people. At 16, Muhammad recovered to Italy with the goal is not to get the profession of a barber, and certainly comprehend everything the wisdom of this, in general, difficult, but so interesting business.

A photo from open sources

Returning home, a young man opened his own beauty salon Cutting Edge, which immediately tried to make the most original in the town. And he partially succeeded thanks to an unusual technique haircuts hair. Muhammad first cut his hair using at the same time 7 scissors in each hand. However soon it the number has increased to 12, and today a unique hairdresser shears clients using 27 scissors in each river. Moreover controlled by them so deftly, and therefore received, in the end, the title of “Human Scissorhands.”

So he was nicknamed by users of social networks, because a unique hairdresser soon became the star of not only the native the city of Gujranwala, but also the Internet, having become famous throughout world.

Note that at first, to such an amazing haircut, the inhabitants Pakistan metropolis was wary, but today at There is no end call in the clients. And since his haircut takes about half an hour, they themselves understand, getting into Muhammad’s chair becomes harder and harder. Moreover, he takes only 4 for his service US dollars (compare how much you have in the city is just good, not even an original men’s haircut).

Avays admits that his desire to become a hairdresser was not approved by the family, but he insisted, and today all his relatives and friends are proud of him. That’s what career choice means. not by prestige and not even by money, but by vocation. TO Unfortunately, this is not possible for everyone, since we are from childhood mislead many factors, including family traditions, parents’ views on the well-being of children and so on. All this didn’t stop Avis, and for him you can only to rejoice.

We are surprised and rejoice for you, Muhammad! Exactly write mainly about this “Scissorhands Man” in the comments Internet users …


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