A photo from open sources
Tiny NGC biocapsules, the project of which at one time assembled Decent amount on Indiegogo, sent to your to buyers. xNT is a tiny chip made from a biocompatible glass and supporting NFC. In other words, this capsule can implant in the human body without negative consequences and get the ability to control any NFC-equipped device. Without additional devices. NFC is a wireless format data transmission. It, for example, is used in turnstiles subway, if you attach a card to them. Every year comes out more and more devices supporting this type of communication. Photo from open sources The news about the NFC chip itself It doesn’t really matter: almost any “wearable” gadget them equipped. The creators approach to implantation is much more interesting. microchip. The fact is that with the capsule comes special sterile syringe with which you can independently, without specialized help, make yourself a cyborg. And the price of the whole set is 99 dollars. And let it go it’s not yet clear why anyone needs an NFC chip in their own body, the method of implanting it under the skin definitely deserves attention.