A photo from open sources
Indonesian media report a mysterious incident. The other day there was a woman who took away more than a year and a half ago big wave in the sea. Since then, 52-year-old Nainin Sunarsi was considered Missing. However, now an Asian woman was unexpectedly found alive in unconscious on the very beach from which she has disappeared. Moreover, the mysteriously returned lady was the same way the clothes she wore on the day lost.
Missing and searching for a woman
It is reported that in 2016 a woman was resting in the city of Sukabumi on the island of Java. When the Indonesian woman came on one ill-fated day on Sitepus beach, strong waves rose here, one of which washed away our heroine. Powerful currents immediately carried the screaming Sunarsi in open sea, and no one was able to help her. Afterwards rescuers found a decomposed body in the water, but relatives Nainin did not recognize him as a woman carried away by the elements.
A photo from open sources
Law enforcement ordered a DNA test and found that the corpse does not really belong to the missing Sunarsi. After several days of searching, rescuers felt that our heroine did not could survive in the sea, and stopped looking for her. Close (relatives and friends) women refused to consider her dead and all this time they hoped that she would appear. So, to everyone’s shock, and it happened, however, this is not the strangest thing yet. History is gaining a clear mystical connotation for other reasons …
Indonesian suddenly found his own uncle
The fact is that Nainin was discovered at night by her uncle. An elderly man suddenly had a dream in which a niece asked him to come to the beach where she was last seen. The Indonesian woke up with tears in his eyes and for a long time could not come in yourself. The dream seemed to him extremely realistic and even prophetic. The man got dressed, left the house and headed to the beach, not hoping especially something to find there. Imagine his surprise, bordering on shocked when he discovered Naynin there.
The uncle of the found woman immediately called an ambulance, and Sunarsi was taken to hospital. Doctors report that our heroine’s condition is currently time is stable. She is very weak, but on her body is not no evidence of violence was found. The police confirm that I’ve never encountered anything like it before. Special law enforcement officers are surprised by the fact that Nainin was dressed in everything the same black pants and a yellow dress, which were also in good condition.
A photo from open sources
Hypotheses on the reasons for the disappearance and return of women
What happened to the mysteriously sought-after Indonesian? Supporters of supernatural theories talk about aliens, a portal to another dimension or some other anomaly. For example, according to conspiracy theorists, it’s about a secret government experiment. Among materialistic theories put forward the assumption that a woman was abducted and taken into slavery, and then, for some unknown reason, they returned it back. It remains to wait until Sunarsi will come to her senses and tell everything herself.
True, some mystics, ufologists, supporters of conspiracy theories and so on pessimistically suggest that our heroine is unlikely someday wake up. Say, the power of forces that are one and a half years took Sunarsi it is not known where, obviously should be enough to so no one will ever know the truth. However, if Nainin is still will return to consciousness and tell the world about what happened to her, her story can be truly sensational …
DNA time