Photo from open sources
In a small village located near the river port of Atyrau (on Ural River), an amazing incident occurred, which, with one moan, almost borders on mysticism, and on the other – makes you think about the wonders of DNA tests.
Kazakh Aigali Supygaliyev left home this June came back. Soon, not far from the village, a very warm the body of an unknown man, which was not visually identifiable no possibility. Therefore, forensic experts conducted a DNA test and determined that, according to the analysis, the body of a 63-year-old Aigali.
We, brother tells the news publishing house the deceased Esengali Supygaliyev, buried the deceased, traditionally remembered him and on this, it would seem, in this sad story you can put an end to. But it was not there. When in September brother entered my house, his niece, that is, my daughter Saul, nearly fell into fainting.
A photo from open sources
As it turned out, Aigali didn’t think of dying, he was just successful got a job in a neighboring village, and when he completed it, then returned to his village. And here he is already … buried. Now an unlucky man is having difficulty restoring his identity and, the main thing is retirement, since no one is going to return it to him yet her, and even more so during the “burial”.
But how did it happen, the question immediately arises to forensic examination? It turns out that the DNA test does not give one hundred percent guarantee, in this case he issued 99.2 percent, which burned down the man and Aigali Supygaliyev are identical. Never to forget says the medical expert, about these 0.8 percent, in this case they turned out to be the error that misled not only medicine, but also the relatives of the “deceased” …
It turns out that people relying on DNA tests in the case for example, doubts whether they are a child are also not immune to similar errors? A lot of other similar DNA examinations are being done. These are the times, and how many for this reason in the world of broken destinies and hearts? ..
It is no coincidence that Eastern wisdom says that you can only trust to your heart. Note, in this case, close relatives of Aigali Supygaliyev simply did not believe in his death, did not feel it. But… against medicine what do you object today? ..