The worst weapon is time

In the middle of the 20th century, nuclear was considered the most effective. weapons until a laser appears by the end of the century, even more effective due to its ultra-precise direction of action. At the beginning of the XXI century, the existence of a psychotronic weapons that are able to purposefully hit the population any particular country. By the middle of the century, it’s likely the emergence of a new weapon – chronic. Photos from open sources

Many have read about this incident when, in 1943, Philadelphia Bay US Navy ship “Eldridge” disappeared after how four specially included on it at full power installed huge generator. He appeared in the same place only the next day. Of the 181 crew members, 21 remained alive. The rest died from fear, exposure and electric shock. electric shock, with 27 of them somehow literally growing in ship constructions! And in 1947 in the Voronezh region in laboratories of the chemical-technological institute a fire broke out. His quickly put out – not even chemicals were affected, but three employees disappeared without a trace – did not even find their charred the remains. Already at that time, researchers were faced with mysterious phenomena that indicated a violation of the conservation law energy – it arose as if from nothing. This was common the cause of the two cases described above among hundreds of other mysterious incidents. All processes in the universe are associated with the selection or energy absorption. Outstanding Soviet astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev came to the conclusion that if time exists everywhere and constantly, then the propagation of changes in its energy occurs in space instantly. But time itself is a link in chain of energy exchange between different processes. Researcher from Volgodonsk Valery Rukovets built a structural model of time, revealing its wave properties. She shows the spread energy of time in space and the changes occurring in it. One of the amazing characteristics of time is its density, which is a value equal to the number of units time (e.g. seconds) enclosed in a unit volume space. The speed of time is a constant, and its density in any area of ​​space is not, what could be proved in the course of scientific research. Redistribution time energy in space occurs due to density waves time initiated by any energy process. Naturally, that with such a mechanism resonant superposition of waves is possible time density arising under the influence of various sources, Each other. This phenomenon is called “chronoresonance”. Recent studies have shown that the pineal gland is small, the size of a pea, pear-shaped pineal gland red-brown colors located in the human brain in front of the cerebellum – contains spherical mineral bodies ranging in size from a few angstroms up to two millimeters. This is the so-called “cerebral sand” in which “grains of sand” are composed of silicon-containing crystalline structures. Experiments revealed that in microcrystals “brain sand” contains holographic information about everything the human body and it’s the zyphysis that is the emitter and receiver of waves of the density of time of the human brain. As a result accidentally imposing a “human wave” on any other, external, due to chronoresonance, are accelerated many times and all processes inside the human body are amplified, including oxidation processes, and spontaneous combustion of a person can occur. The 1947 case mentioned above in the Voronezh region (there are others) is a typical example of this. Time structure is very dynamic and responsive to everything that happens in space, and time itself has tremendous energy, which is often released as a result of the processes of human activity. It has now been proven that the turbines of a number of Siberian hydroelectric power stations caused earthquakes hundreds of kilometers from them. In 1986 on Chernobyl NPP superimposed its own chronofrequency nuclear reactor at the chronofrequency located below it tectonic fault. The reactor stepped up and exploded then, when there was a planned decrease in its power. After measurements in the destroyed reactor core, it turned out that in stock no more than 30 tons of uranium dioxide left instead of 150 tons estimated data. After the commissioned radio electronic station HAARP (HAARP – High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program – high-frequency active auroral research program) at Alaska and turning it on at an incomplete capacity in 2002, the world became witnessing the tremendous disasters that hit Europe in the form of floods and tremors. The power of the installation is 3500 kilowatts. 180 antennas located on a field of 13 hectares allow focus short-wave radiation on the ionosphere at a height of 100 km and heat it to form a high-temperature plasma. No one until he knows what can happen to our planet in a second after the start of this installation. The true danger is that it is an active source of time density waves, and chronoresonance can occur anywhere: in Alaska itself, in the zone high seismicity, or to the south, in California, in the area active and powerful tectonic fault San Andreas.

A photo from open sources

In essence, the HAARP station is perhaps the first model chronic weapons, however, is still an undirected impact. FROM using such an installation can disable any industrial or military facility, changing characteristics almost instantly materials and process parameters. The hardest part of development chronic weapons – this is the provision of direction, so as not to happened what happened during the Philadelphia experiment back in 1943. Learning is also very important. to separate as much energy from time as necessary, otherwise it exposure may be more damaging than expected because which is able to comprehensively affect the characteristics of substances: density, electrical conductivity, humidity, half-life and other properties. The effects of chronic weapons cannot be compared with nothing. It works silently and invisibly. There is no protection from him. Forcibly changing the flow rate of chemical, physical, mechanical processes, you can deliver a lot of trouble to anyone. The miniature operating model is easy design at home. It can be three in sync rotating spinning top located in the corners of a regular triangle. A more powerful installation can be created using the so-called rotating magnetic fields. The country that will possess everything only one unit of this latest type of weapon will become superpower and master of the world, and the simplicity of design and principle the action of such a weapon may encourage its creation single inventors with big ambitions. But unfortunately this only those few researchers who work in little-known field of science – synchronodynamics. The author of the article: Vladimir Fomin

HAARP time

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