A photo open source Thirteen-year-old Southern California high school student playing online in Minecraft, offended by his opponent and decided to him revenge, and therefore called by phone to his address group capture.
He told the police that he was holding ten hostages and threatened to blow up a house if they don’t bring a ransom for them in the amount of thirty one thousand dollars. A capture group of twenty arrived at the call site staff and completely surrounded the house.
As it turned out, this was the third false call of a cunning gamer. In the first two, he avenged his school teacher in the same way, and then to a classmate. Only not the third time a malicious bully (almost a criminal) managed to calculate and delay.
As Detective Gene Martinez (Gene Martinez) told reporters juvenile prankster sent to house arrest, trial over him will be held next month. However, most likely, the mischievous escapes with conditional punishment, though, said the head of the local police department, it would be worth punishing in all severity, since such challenges have already begun to acquire massive character. Moreover, just minors are indulging in this way, who either don’t understand what they’re doing, or are well aware that there’s practically nothing for them. Only rating among friends will rise …