The youngest grandmother was a 23-year-old gypsy from Romania

The youngest grandmother was a 23-year-old gypsy from RomaniaA photo from open sources

The youngest mother in the world is Peruvian Lina Medina, which in 1939 gave birth to a completely healthy baby, being a five year old girl. And today the youngest grandmother appeared in the world – she became the 23-year-old gypsy Rifka Stanescu from Romania.

We’ll specify right away that among gypsies early marriages are not encouraged, as, for example, in the east, but because when Rifka became a mother at 12 years, this was an amazing phenomenon for relatives.

A photo from open sources

The story of Rifka is similar to the plot of an Indian film. Girl fell in love with the son of the owner of a local jewelry store. Boy was only a year older than the young gypsy, but they got a romance rugged, just exciting. And since the boy’s father had already managed to marry him for the daughter of an influential friend, then lovers had to run away from the village and wander for a while, until Rifka daughter Maria was born. After that, the parents reconciled with fate and blessed a young couple for a happy family life.

A photo from open sources

But it’s not in vain that they say that an apple falls not far from an apple tree: Mary, You can say, she followed in the footsteps of her mother and even surpassed her in something: she brought the baby in the hem at 11 years old. Became his father 12 year old boy. True, in this case, young lovers do not had to run away: Maria’s parents, remembering their story, reacted to the birth of a child from an 11-year-old daughter favorably convincing to also reasonably treat this event and parents of a boy. But in this case, not only a full-fledged resident of the Earth, but also the youngest in the world Grandma Rifka Stanescu – only 23 years old.

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