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People who have golden blood are the rarest earthlings. For the last 60 years of their identified only 43 people in the world. Gold is blood with zero Rhesus factor, which is, as we see, the rarest, and therefore very valuable, both for science and for the process transfusion of it. Hence the definition is – golden blood, although, Of course, the name is purely conditional.
We are used to thinking that a person has four groups blood plus a positive or negative Rh factor. On the in fact, everything is much more complicated. Any person’s blood can have 342 Rh-antigen, but some people have more, others less. About 160 of antigens are considered common, that is, they are almost all people. If someone is missing a common antigen that occurs in 98-99 percent of people, then this person’s blood is already considered rare. And if there is no, for example, antigen, which almost every earthman possesses? ..
A photo from open sources
Some people, say, most Europeans do not have one of the most important antigens D, such earthlings are just called carriers of a negative Rhesus factor. By the way, note that about 10 percent of the world’s population have negative rhesus. Since such people are usually distinguished by high IQ, excellent physical and psychological characteristics that allows them occupy key positions in society (ancient rulers as scientists have proved, also possessed such blood), then some independent researchers have even suggested that this is a race aliens. A bold assumption, isn’t it? ..
But can a person not have antigens at all? Half a century ago scientists believed that such an embryo cannot survive even in the female the uterus, not to mention further development and birth. But … in 1961 year with zero Rhesus factor found blood in one aboriginal woman Australia That is, she had no Rh antigens at all. Since since 43 such people have been identified in the world, and their blood is called golden by the reason for its value to science, and it can also be accepted by any person, which makes these rare people also gold donors.
A photo from open sources
However, to the carriers of the golden blood this creates only huge Problems. The fact is that in the case of a blood transfusion, they need only here is such a gold with zero Rh factor. As they say scientists, golden blood is both a blessing and a curse for a person. On the one hand, he can be a unique donor, able to save many lives, and on the other – he needs to be very careful in this life, so as not to get into a hospital bed with the need for a blood transfusion. Or, as journalists write, better not to know that you have such unique blood. Apparently, there are many more people with golden blood in the world, but many of them really don’t even know about their blessings and curses …
A life