Researchers at Harvard University have stated that identified and measured the force that occurs on the molecular level using a specific combination of molecules that repel each other. Photo from open sources This process of mutual pushing molecules causes the effect of keeping them in the air, in other words – levitation effect. Part of the molecules raised in the air soars above the main layer of the object, while levitating objects can move relative to each other with almost complete lack of friction. Harvard University Professor Federico Capasso, who led the study, put forward the assumption that the discovery made by his team makes the development of a whole class of new technical devices and gadgets. The scientist noted that, despite the fact that experts only nano-objects managed to be raised into the air, before the levitation of large there is only one step left, as the main mechanisms and they have already studied the principles of the levitation process. Discovery was made in the process of creating miniature sensors for automotive airbags. The scientists were faced with the task of creating nanodevices from the thinnest metal plates, having come up with this way around the so-called “Casimir effect”. According to theories of the German theoretical physicist Heinrich Casimir, between two conductive uncharged surfaces placed in a vacuum, mutual attraction occurs due to vacuum oscillations due to the constant appearance and disappearance of virtual particles in it. Researchers had to solve a difficult problem: nano-parts automotive sensors should not be attracted to each other. Earlier, a team of Russian scientists suggested that the “Casimir effect” can be reduced or neutralized using the right combination materials for surfaces. American scientists in progress experiment used a quartz glass plate and a tiny a ball of gold placed in a liquid with which they repulsive force was measured.
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Devices made possible by the discovery scientists can be successfully used in medicine, as well as in others, no less important areas. Engaged in research today in areas of levitation and in the UK. At the University of Nottingham, for example, a group of professors Peter King developed a unique device designed on the basis of a powerful electromagnet from superconducting material that allows you to overcome the earth gravitation is quite massive objects. The invention has been tested. on materials such as diamond, lead, gold and platinum. At the heart of a new method is the use of the magnetic properties of substances. Therefore their parameter can be divided into three classes – ferromagnets, para- and diamagnetics. Ferromagnets have magnetic properties, para- and diamagnetics – no. In this case, paramagnets are weak attracted by a magnetic field, diamagnets – on the contrary, weakly repel them. Due to this property of diamagnetics, they can “fly” in the air (more precisely, in a magnetic field). Exist laboratory facilities in which light substances rise in air and soar above the magnetic circuit. Make levitate more dense substances can be filled with a ferromagnetic installation chamber or paramagnetic fluid that is attracted to the magnet, then while diamagnetic materials float on its surface. Professor Peter King believes that the invention is quite suitable for practical use. Thanks emergency the sensitivity of the device to the density of the levitating body, with its using, for example, you can successfully sort minerals.