There will be no asteroids, but there will be storms

Five to ten strong and very strong magnetic storms predicts EMERCOM of Russia in 2013. In the past 2012 phenomena there were only six of this scale. Totally 30–40 will happen in 2013 geomagnetic storms of different strengths. Photos from open sources

© Jorg Hackemann | Geomagnetic Storms directly related to the activity of the sun. Forecast prepared scientists of the Antistichia Center under the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, promises that the coming year will be a year of moderate solar activity. This is explained by the fact that the current 11-year cycle of activity of the luminary will appear to be the weakest in the last 100 years. The earth large asteroids will not be threatened this year – not a single one of them will not be approaching our planet a dangerous distance, reports “Antistichia”. However, such a threat did not arise in minus 2012. However, the fall of smaller asteroids, the size of tens of meters, not threatening the planet as a whole, but capable of destroy a large city or small country, scientists still cannot exclude. After all, these celestial bodies are still not well understood. unlike large brothers, 99% of whom are known to scientists. TO in addition, when moving from the side of the Sun, small asteroids become visible just a few minutes before meeting with The earth.

Russia Sun

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