These amazing and mysterious twins!

These amazing and mysterious twins!Photos from open sources of

Gemini always attracts attention, because sharply stand out from the total mass of people. But this is only the outside this amazing manifestation of nature. There are more interesting facts from the lives of twins, about which many do not even guess.

For example, the most striking fact is marriage between the twins who in 2008 suddenly find out that they are a brother and sister separated at birth. The marriage had to be dissolved, but good family relations remained.

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Twins with different biological fathers are big rarity, and sometimes they are surprisingly identical when fully the opposites of the seemingly male parents.

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“Quartet marriage” or “Quaternary union” when the twins getting married to another pair of twins – a fairly common occurrence, and quite psychologically explainable.

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A Russian woman, a heroine mother who gave birth to sixty nine children, had by the age of forty, sixteen twins, seven triplets and four foursome. She herself died in 2010 at the age of ninety-three. years.

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Siamese (fused) twins – a rarity, the first renowned for science Chang and Ang Bankers were born in the early nineteenth centuries, they had twenty-one children, and their offspring today totals almost two thousand people.

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Science has found that twins smell the same, though dogs can easily identify them. But the fingerprints of the twins are still different.

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Some twins begin to form their own own language, because they are constantly together and constantly somehow communicate with each other. Unfortunately, no one has tried it yet. preserve the language of such children, as a result – twins grow and lose it, replacing it with a traditional one.

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Among the twins, there are more left-handers – more than twenty percent, in while among ordinary children – less than ten percent. Left-handedness is believed to form in the womb as symmetry of one embryo to another.

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In the world, most often twins are born in Nigeria. True scientists before still can not explain this phenomenon, as, however, and why generally appear identical in appearance (and not only in appearance) children.

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