This is a frightening mirror.

Photo from open sources

Mirror. It always seemed to man that on the other side of him on the surface lies a completely different world, good or evil – it’s not known but another. Many films have been created in which a thin line between worlds disappears and the hero falls into a different reality. In annotations these films are called “science fiction”. Fantastic? Are you sure? Corvins family couple (Tim and Judy) became owners of a wardrobe a wardrobe with a mirror, presented once to Tim’s grandmother for a wedding. The spouses decided to put a rare thing in the nursery. Once, laying the baby to sleep, Judy saw a strange light coming from mirrors. I decided – it seemed. But after a few days she again saw a glow, went up and was dumbfounded: she looked at her from a mirror old woman in a white hat and a dark dress. She smiled and her look It seemed kind and affectionate, but Judy screamed in horror. From the runaway husband she demanded to immediately remove the closet from childish, and even better – completely get rid of it. At the next meeting with his father Tim spoke about his wife’s fears and “miracles” in the mirror. “For Tim’s father, this wasn’t news. He also saw light coming from the mirror. And Tim’s mother somehow saw in the mirror military battle and the death of his brother. Two months later really died in the war. And although no one in Tim’s mirror not injured, at the family council spouses Corvins decided already The mirror in the closet should be sold together with the closet. Another young the couple acquired an old handmade mirror for the bedroom. AND spouses did not have normal sleep. The same one began to torment them. nightmare: a burning house and a terrible death of people in a flame. Spouse contacted the previous owners of the mirror, and learned from them that once a mirror really stood in a house damaged by fire. One of the family members died in the flame, but the mirror miraculously survived. The couple removed the mirror from the bedroom and the nightmares stopped. A photo from open sources

In the English city of Kent in 1998, an amusement park was built, among which was a room of laughter. Once, four teens entered they didn’t go into it. Three years later, three more disappeared. Then two more. The detectives carefully examined the rooms several times. Were looking for secret room, secret dungeons, underground passage – at least anything! After all, somewhere, people or their bodies should have gone! Nothing. The attraction was closed, the disappearance of the children stopped. Parapsychologists are convinced that the mirror contains many secrets. It is able to absorb evil energy and become an instrument the killings. (According to legend, Catherine de Medici possessed such a mirror. “Candidate for the dead” brought a gift from the queen – and soon he was dying. An OSORBO entrusted person stole a mirror, and it was presented to the following “death aspirant.”) It is capable of show past and future. (Seeing a betrothed in the mirror is a favorite occupation in Russia of girls seeking to get married.) It can be a gate into a different reality. (Parapsychologist Dana Forsyth is convinced that in Kent one of the mirrors became a portal through which teenagers left to another world.) So be careful when buying or accepting a gift old mirrors. It is not known what energy charge of the past they are. carry with them. And with new ones, be more careful.


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